Economy Page 106 Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat forever

a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

I believe I have come up with a definition for Algebraic Economics
Algebraic Economics = how people help each other

No matter what economic system there is, it can be broken down into Two Types
Root Based and Tax Based Economics and steered by Peoples’ Needs and Wants …



the reason why these links that you want to know about are not on the

 main page  is because of selling laws ??!!

in some circumstances if I help your family, you may not be allowed to help our family, it is the law ???!!!

of course unless you know how to read minds or you already know the law, then it could be ok,

depending on how smart you are ???


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat forever

The economics professor teaches that, This has a great truth and a great dilemma

Great truth, it is better if people earn there living than if they just keep getting hand outs

But, What is the man suppose to eat while he is learning to provide for him self?


It is my understanding that

This is what an economics professor, Timothy Taylor Macalester College, teaches

Timothy also makes it sound like all economics professors on average believe this way and teaches this way

Timothy appears to teach statistics well, but I have yet to see him teach Economics problem solving skills most anyone could use to nationally improve the economy moving people out of the poverty level ( in which a family has to choose between necessities and not able to afford them all ) to a class where the families can afford at least the basic needs ( housing, utilities, nutritious diets, competent education, affordable medical care ... and entertainment )

So then it is possible that DSHS counselors take a similar college course or sub course and this is what they teach the people they help

So then it is my understanding that DSHS counselors learn to teach people how to economically fail and then teach that to the people they help

( many companies have an apprenticeship for employees who start, and they are able to pay for or provide necessities for the workers they help from that very beginning, does the Economists know how to do something similar or better,( because this is what economists studied all there life ), for there students, oh but no. 

economists don’t seem to learn any other way except by being a repeater. An economists takes a course from and Economics professor, learns how to teach how to economically fail and teaches there would be students and professors that same thing with out testing the program?!

So when I calculate that algebra, Economics professors in general are the cause of so much poverty in the United States

For some reason DSHS counselors are taught how to associate an economics problem, but rarely learn how to diagnosis an economics problem?!

You ever seen an economics professor who studied this stuff able to teach a class with no money up front but the professor and students able to earn it starting the first week?

If you have, I believe many people are going to want to know about this class

I have noticed similarities in other trades ( for a lack of a better word )

Many doctors seem to be really good at solving problems using association, but have real problems making an actual diagnosis, and that would be the reason for so many mistakes that doctors make

And you can take so many other crafts and find similar problems




we don't need to take away from the rich and give to the poor, if we can get the rich to teach the poor how to become economically successful starting with the first week of training

it would be nice to have the opportunity to become rich, but the rich does not need to make poor people rich, just economically successful