a percentage of these ideas are
really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
Econ AAAF what is the most likely the reason why most businesses fail today
what is the most likely the reason why most
businesses fail today ??? is it because of a lack of customers ??? what causes an algebraic economics system wide customers failure to thrive ... ??? which algebraically economically restricts customers being free to shop where they want to ... ??? How do you find customers in an economy like this if you are in the entertainment field ??? - Restaurants - Theaters - Actors - Amusement Parks etc. etc. etc. ... ask a social worker ... ask a doctor ... ask a nurse ... ask a government worker ... etc. etc. etc. responses will be ??? A - reasons why you should not be able to afford to do it ... ??? B - reasons why you cannot afford to do it, but wish you could afford to do it ... ??? C - cannot understand why you are so economically stupid ( sorry I am being so frank with the stupid word, but, how ever nice they say it, it still means the same thing ) that you cannot afford entertainment ... ??? D - come up with ideas or resources so you can afford free ( I mean no cost that you can see ??? ) entertainment that they choose for you ... ??? E - come up with ideas or resources so you can afford to be a customer of an entertainment of your choice ... ??? ( the hypothesis is, if it is easier for you to afford entertainment, it would be easier to do what medical professionals say to do ... " sometimes you have to give up entertainment for the cost of medical care " ( catch 22, what if entertainment is what you need to get out of what ever illness it is you have ... example, the entertainment gives you the emotional drive to exercise that your doctor says you need ... ??? another example, entertainment is what you need to get your child to eat ... ??? ) of course if you already cannot afford entertainment, then the medical professionals are just proving how economically illiterate they are when it comes to your economic problems they are trying to solve with out an economics degree in the area you need ... ??? ) if you want to, take a survey ( if you will not get into trouble ??? the catch 22 is that it is possible that you will get into more trouble if you don't ??? how else do you find out who is able to give you good economic advise ... ??? ) make a chart ... see if you can make a algebraic economic cause and effect algebraic economic math equation to describe what is happening in the free market ... ??? see if you can come up with better way to understand what causes people to lose or restrict there freedom to be a customer ... ??? how would you get paid for this, not from me, I do not have the skill to hire you ... nor can I find anyone to teach me how ... ??? if you choose to help people, it might give you insight as to how to find people who want your help ... ??? example ![]() |