1_index ( Note index is not up to date )
Gene Bowdish, Junk Yard of ideas
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
Gene Bowdish, worked on it on 12/20/2020
I have Links to thousands of pages
and millions of data, a percentage old a percentage new
a percentage accurate, a percentage not accurate
a percentage old, a percentage new
if hold the information back, a percentage will miss out on life saving ideas ...
how I compiled it, since 1998 some information was added ...
since 2001 a lot of information was added ...
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
The new science of Algebraic Economics as defined by Gene Bowdish ...
Limited by the Laws of Physics...
economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...
Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
a percentage of these ideas are really old idea, some of the links are missing or broken ... ???
a percentage of these ideas are really old idea,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
1 http://mageniemagic.com/1.htm
2 http://mageniemagic.com/1_about_gene_bowdish_history.html
3 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents.htm
4 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_2.htm
5 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_3.htm
6 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_4.htm
7 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_5.htm
8 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_6.htm
9 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_7.htm
10 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_8.htm
11 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_9.htm
12 http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_A.htm
13 needs to be updated
14 needs to be updated
15 http://mageniemagic.com/1_Econ_AAGW_HOT_NEWS.htm
16 http://mageniemagic.com/1_gene_bowdish_classes_training.htm
18 ... to ... 796 I want to review them ...
796 a lot of work to do, long list just here, much more
Obama Care the year 2015 and 2016 and 2017
a percentage of medical professionals are using the government courts
to sue families with disabilities
for healthcare Co-Pay and
take 25% of gross income / 50% of net income
/ 70% of the family's food stamps away from a family
who are suppose to be protected by Medicaid
and who are supposed to be protected with food stamps,
isn't there a better way ... ???
where are all the medical professionals with great problems solving skills gone to ... ???
http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents_6.htm 1/15/17
http://mageniemagic.com/1_classes_training_contents.htm current
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
they are asking ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Carlson_(radio_host) 570 AM radio 8/12/13 ) why is medical care expensive, I have a Hypothesis it takes millions of people to treat a patient why ? because you pay for instant communications, labs, research, construction workers, transportation, cooks, etc., and all the things medical professionals need for there families, etc. ( as I get more information, I may be able to make more accurate reasons why medical care is so expensive ... ??? ) taxed based economics takes money out of your budget ... ??? root based economics limited by the laws of physics puts money into your budget ... ??? ( apparently very few medical professionals are unaware of how the math works in root based economics that I talk about ... ??? ) ( do not get taxed based economics confused with taxes you pay to government or you may get confused ... ??? ) a mixture of taxed based and root based economics is somewhere in the middle ... ???
bizarre hospital emergency room intro
10 Strange Occupational Hazards http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/10-strange-occupational-hazards/ufw72fi3?cpkey=73cf836e-8656-4b3f-a267-499783a92106%257c%257c%257c%257c
where one teacher fails to teach because the teacher and students do not connect ... ???
another teacher succeeds, with a different approach to the students ... ???
when the teacher who previously failed to connect with students,
learns how to connect, that previously failing teacher becomes a success
in teaching the hard to reach students ... ???
YouTube: learning song for children learning rap for children
new tool in cancer research: video games
Teacher Resources ...
About Annenberg Learner 1.
What does Annenberg Learner do?
Our mission is to advance excellent teaching in American schools through the development and distribution of multimedia resources for teaching and learning. We are a division of the Annenberg Foundation, which funds a wide range of programs in education and other areas.
Statistics, She studies what makes students be creative and studies how to motivate them to learn ...
1. What Is Statistics?
Using historical anecdotes and contemporary applications, this introduction to the series explores the vital links between statistics and our everyday world. The program also covers the evolution of the discipline.
these people uses ideas for you to better understand statistics
these people teaches business language ....
30 minute hip hop cardio dance workout #2 with Adrienne White
so many people do not even know these books exist ... I found them using the Public Library ...
depending on the medical field,
a percentage of doctors do better research than others, depending on the motivation to find a cure ... ???
that is not good or bad, you just need to know who to go to, for what your problem is ... ???
Lorenzo Odone is 25 years old and lives in Washington. ( Wednesday, 21 July, 2004 )
Eighteen years ago he was diagnosed with an incurable disease and given less than two years to live.
His remarkable survival is due to his parents' single minded refusal to accept the doctors' grim prognosis.
Lorenzo Odone, died in May 2008 at the age of 30,
having lived two decades longer than originally predicted by doctors.
( statistics ) U.S. sicker than other developed nations,
economically challenged, being denied access to good health care, is the number one cause ... ???
Hypothesis if people had more choices on how to pay for health care,
earn it, work for it, barter for it, volunteer for it, etc., U.S. Doctors could do better ... ???
the current system if you are financially challenged, Medical professionals say,
you can pay on your medical bill(s) for the next 50 years ... ???
that is the best medical professionals can do ... ???
with out the right economic math formula to see a doctor right away, you or a loved one
may have to wait in line for medical care, or not get the medical care at all ... ???
what happens if you wait to long because you are in line waiting to see a doctors ... ???
idea to raise $96,000 dollars one volunteer = $ 96.oo ... ???
to pay medical bills, in 8 hours, ten volunteers = $ 960.oo ... ???
using algebraic root based economics one hundred volunteers = $ 9,600.oo ... ???
limited by the laws of physics ... ??? one thousand volunteers = $ 96,000.oo ... ???
if the group was able to offer $ 96,000.oo to doctors, what could the doctors do for the group ... ???
what does the group need ... ??? what are the skills of the doctors ... ???
I called into http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Carlson_(radio_host) 570 AM radio 8/12/13 around 7 am they stated on 570 AM radio that cars own the road because the gas pumps pays for the roads ... I basically said, you asked for ideas to make it easier for cars and bikes to get along, if they allowed stores and other services for bikes on bicycle trails it may be easier to pay for more bicycle trails that do not affect cars so much, the research I did shows bicycles helps a percentage of diabetics, cancer patients, heart patients, etc. live longer ( the radio host answered with, something like, so you want more government programs for bikes ... ) where did that idea come from ... ??? how is that different from cars paying for roads through gas stations ... ??? don't get me wrong, I like cars, trucks, ( a truck is a great way to get your bicycle where you want to bike at ), planes, and trains ...
but I also like bikes ... unless you can find a way to work on the city bus ( getting closer to root based economics ... ), then you may algebraically economically get paid to take the city bus ... ??? but, then, how will you exercise on the bus ... ??? http://www.intercitytransit.com/traveloptions/ridingthebus/Pages/BikesonBuses.aspx
you can search for more companies who are dedicated to finding solutions to these problems at:
Liver Cirrhosis Song
2. The Language of Algebra
ASL Tax Tips: Miscellaneous Income (Captions & Audio) Barter income ... ???
IRS American Sign Language (ASL)
Gardner D R CPA PS
( the best IRS tax accountants I have known, Gene )
(360) 426-8262 601 W Railroad Ave, Shelton, WA 98584
Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
for every algebraic economic idea that works for someone, that person may get one more birthday ...
if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?
your idea could save a life, even if you are sure your idea is stupid,
your stupid idea could give someone an idea to save a life ... ???
it's the laws of physics, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction ...
is it possible, that the problem with the economy, could be a lack of customer service skills ... ???
do your remember taking customer service course(s) in school or college ... ?
trying to understand how payroll works in Washington State is difficult ... ???
so difficult people who I thought would know how it works are afraid to answer how it works ...
a new potential employer may be afraid to hire employees just on this one problem ... ???
Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP) Food Bank Providers
http://agr.wa.gov/foodprog/EFAP.aspx http://foodhelp.wa.gov/basic_food.htm
People with diabetes do not heal as efficiently as people with normal blood sugar levels ...
Foods & Wound Healing
what if your problem is you cannot find a job that you need ... ???
even the best doctors do not study and show you how to be a successful Entrepreneur ???
so you can work directly for the customers ... ???
so you can pay taxes, that pays for medical benefits for senior citizens, teachers, fire fighters, police, ... ???
possibly hire employees, and possibly pay your employees ... health benefits ... ???
so your employees can afford to go see and pay the doctors and medical professionals ... ???
so you can afford to get what you need,
if you are a diabetic patient, cancer patient, heart patient, etc. etc. ... ???
I do Algebraic economic research, if I fail, you may just become another statistic ... ???
if I succeed, your statistics may change so you will live longer ... ???
http://agr.wa.gov/foodprog/EFAP.aspx http://foodhelp.wa.gov/basic_food.htm
and I had opportunities to save lives
about a special olive oil ?
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
a long time ago I talked to, people, I believe were, engineers
working between 45th and Mullen on Ruddell rd se
before they did Mullen from Ruddell to college, they said the approximate max cost would be
around a $100,000 dollars so I told them about an idea to raise that money with volunteers ...
I talked to others as well ...
and the idea has been here all along
found ideas so teachers can get paid to teach, and the students get paid to learn ... ???
found ideas so, even poor, people can afford food from farmers at a city park ... ???
found ideas so people can get paid to exercise at an exercise gym ... ???
found ideas for people to afford medical care ... ???
found ideas for diabetics or maybe any medical condition ... ???
found ideas so people can get paid to take limousine transportation ... ???
found ideas so people can get paid to eat diabetic type foods at a restaurant ... ???
found ideas to supply water to areas where there is not water
found ideas to end the war ... ???
found ideas so you can afford a car or truck
found ideas to afford maintenance on your car
found ideas to put in a Traffic Signal light at 45th and Ruddell or
where ever else it is needed to prevent another death
( I was told a Motor Cycle Driver died there, and there has been many accidents ... !!! )
found energy sources:
to help clean up land fills
to help clean up toxic lakes
to help grow fish to feed people
to grow food where there is little area to grow food
to help recycle waste at factories
to help give clean air for workers at factories
etc, etc, etc. ...
you may want the help of a qualified attorney to help speed up your project ... ???
you may want the help of a qualified special ed teacher(s) to help speed up your project ... ???
you may want the help of a qualified engineer(s) to help speed up your project ... ???
I asked more than 50,000 people if they had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?
as a result, I built this web site www.MaGenieMagic.com based on that,
many of these ideas may still be in the research mode, which means it is a Hypothesis ... ???
and there are also many Theories ...
to know which one is which requires algebraic economic testing ... ???
because some algebraic economic ideas appear to be brand new,
we also may need a translator / interpreter even if you are English speaking, how ironic ... ???
there are parts of the web site you may not be allowed to see unless you know the secret word(s) ... ???
today ( and yesterday ) I talked to
News Stations
Lacey, WA - Library
City of Lacey, WA electrical inspector
Fred Meyer
in the past I talked to - about related ideas ... ???
Econ AAFJ I talked to ... and they said, as far as I know,
it is ok to raise money this way for Cancer Patients ...
but they didn't know if the idea would work or not ...
- An Attorney
- An insurance Co.
- Olympia Parks Department
- Thurston County Sheriff
- Labor & Industries (L&I), Washington State
- Olympia Commissioners Office
- Olympia City Hall
- Washington State WorkSource
Currently I am talking with the IRS
Currently I am talking with an accountant
Gardner Accounting
601 W Railroad Ave # 400
Shelton, WA - (360) 426-8262
Currently I am searching for originations to help ...
I went to
Thurston County Economic Development Council
Thurston Economic Development Council
665 Woodland Square Loop SE, Ste. 201
Lacey, WA 98503
(Located in the West Coast Bank building)
Phone: 360.754.6320 Fax: 360.407.3980
Currently I am looking for volunteers ... but I do not know the proper way to ask yet ... ???
interesting how that can be so difficult
Many Other People I talked to, including cancer patients, are hopeful it will work ...
Econ AFFH Do you know if there is a legal way to raise money for cancer patient(s)
using this economic method at an Olympia City or State Park ?
Taxes seems to be the major challenge for me, even so ...
Yes you can, it was explained to me, you are allowed to do it by yourself ,
at home, right now, earn money, pay your taxes
and donate to the cancer society of your choice,
But, ( there always seems to be a but, )
you may need the advice of an attorney and an accountant CPA
because labor is involved ...
as soon as you do it with other people as a group,
a whole bunch more government rules start to apply ...
I am working on finding legal ways to work as a group to help cancer patients now ...
( after you have earned the money, and it is yours, you may be able to pool the money together as a group and have a cancer related picnic and hire a caterer / chef, who will teach you how to prepare cancer related foods, how it should look and taste, etc. ... ??? )
( I have many ideas for you, only, I am still learning how to tell you what they are
because of government regulations ...
I am sure there is more to study ... ??? )
when and if I do succeed, we can use this algebraic economic idea to,
which will become an economic theory,
to help find cures for heart disease http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/
diabetes http://www.diabetes.org/
etc, etc, etc, ...
I also talked to the city of Olympia Mayor and many people he knows
at a party at Olympia Farmers Market in Olympia, WA, United States, U.S. Senate,
United States Congress, etc, etc, ...
and I asked what they can do to help ...
I talked to a contractor hired by the U.S. Department of Education
to help the U.S. Department of Education help people
who owe student loans ... I asked them what they can do to help ...
Senator Maria Cantwell, 511 Dirksen Senate Office Building , Washington, DC 20510
Phone 202-224-3441
202-228-0514 - FAX
202-224-8273 – TDD
United States Senator Patty Murray
Washington, D.C. Office, 173 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2621
Fax: (202) 224-0238
Toll Free: (866) 481-9186
Representative Brian Baird, 120 Union Ave SE # 105, Olympia, WA 98501-1332
Phone (360) 352-9768
Your zip code indicates that you are outside of the 3rd District of Washington.
Regrettably, I am unable to reply to any email from constituents outside of the 3rd District
of Washington. Click Here to return to my home page.
Washington D.C. Office 2402 Rayburn Office Building Washington D.C. 20515
Phone (202) 225-8901 Fax (202) 225-5893
Tacoma, WA Office 2209 Pacific Ave, Suite B Tacoma, Washington 98402
Toll free: 1 (888) SMITH09 Phone (253) 593-6600 Fax (253) 593-6776
US department of education, Lyndon Johnson ,
Media Contact press office, 400 maryland ave, #7E – 247, WA DC 20202
Lyndon Johnson does not appear to have an Email address, but
the Whitehouse did
http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/lyndonbjohnson ◦
Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), Department of Education Building
400 Maryland Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20202
I have also talked to engineers
I have also talked to hospital(s), medical professional(s) personnel
I have also talked to many military personnel
I have also talked to people at college(s)
I have also talked to the Washington State Library, ( apparent collector of information for the library )
I have also talked to Washington State employees
I have talked to 911
I have talked to ambulance personnel
I have talked to Bank(s) personnel
I have talked to bicycle shop(s) personnel
I have talked to cancer patients
I have talked to car / truck dealer(s) sales personnel
I have talked to church(s) groups
I have talked to city police in Lacey, Olympia, Tacoma, Puyallup, and Seattle
I have talked to collection company personnel
I have talked to construction workers, ( Union and Non-Union )
I have talked to diabetes patients
I have talked to Doctors
I have talked to Elementary School(s) personnel
I have talked to fire department(s) personnel
I have talked to heart patients
I have talked to homeless people
I have talked to IBEW 76 Union to help build a hospital / pharmacy / apartment building for cancer patients
I have talked to many companies
I have talked to many different people with many deferent medical conditions
I have talked to naturopaths
I have talked to nonprofit groups
I have talked to pharmacists
I have talked to Puget Sound Energy personnel
I have talked to salesman in many different fields
I have talked to sheriffs
I have talked to technical schools and colleges
I have talked to the Salvation Army
I have talked to the State Patrol
I have talked to Thurston County employees
I have talked to Washington State Department of business licensing
I talked to Evergreen State College economics department(s)
I talked to the United States Department of Education and there collection company(s)
I talked to Microsoft, ( went to meeting at theater in Lacey, WA )
I talked to Hewlett Packard Support
I talked to economics professors and students
and many thousands of other people ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpLgLzcuCXk How did this happen, because they thought there was not threat, so they let it through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks New Video Of First Plane Hit 911 9/11 9 11 terrorist attack on Twin Towers Word Trade Center
New Threats From North Korea; Missile Repositioned at Border . PBSNewsHour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x94LAhBWCsQ
ScienceCasts: Perseid Fireballs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO83KP54YXs
a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...