Study by, Gene Bowdish
Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
MaGenie Magic Co. Gene Bowdish Lacey, WA ( 360 ) 660-7085 Text
check back for updates and latest study(s) updated 2/23/2025
This Page Updated there may need to be more updates
PHONE NUMBER 360-660-7085
TEXT ME AT 360-412-8218
July 15, 2023 I helped a State Patrolman save a lot of lives today 7/15/2023
July 3, 2023, I helped a policeman save a lot of lives today 7/3/2023
A Doctor was very impressed with my study, just recently 5/26/2023
Safety First, All Data will Need to Be Verified by a Competent Doctor
And Pharmacist
Study by, Gene Bowdish
This Study is Based on my Personal Experience
This Study is very advanced
you need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist
yeah this idea has the potential to help:
Diabetics recover faster
Heart patients recover faster
Lung patients recover faster
you name the disease
and if it has a prescription that fits the laws of physics of my HVAC invention,
my Study and HVAC invention has the potential to help those patients recover faster
Safety First, All Data will Need to Be Verified by a Competent Doctor
And Pharmacist
Study by, Gene Bowdish
History of my Room Temperature Portable Storage Prescription inventions
inventions and studies by, Gene Bowdish
HVAC #9 invention, and Study by, Gene Bowdish, YouTube Playlist
many People that was impressed by my Study, Study by, Gene Bowdish
on average, only 1 in a 1000 people have heard about storage temperature
even less know what to do and how to do it,
many people told my to tell you ...
someday you may wish you learned about my study if you didn't ?
( keep in mind some people / parents that are out of high school cannot read very well
keep in mind some people / parents that are out of high school
do not have any education / understanding in science
and cannot recognize that importance of these studies )
on average, after listening to my talk about my study,
you may instantly have a better understanding ...
or be able to find someone(s) to explain it to you ..
why just reading my study may help you !
A Lady said reading my study, saved her $25,000.oo, I thought she was a special case
after I looked into it, her challenge is very common
A guy said, after reading my study, the information saved his life,
many more people told me the same thing
A Lady said, Thank You, your study saved my young daughter's Life
many more people said the same thing about their children
A Lady said, Thank You for saving my Pets Life, many other People said the same thing
Study by, Gene Bowdish
Study by, Gene Bowdish
Gene Bowdish, My New Battery Operated
Portable Air-Conditioner invention,
Update Works in the Hot Summer
and in the Cold Winter Keeping Small item(s) at Room Temperature
to prevent damage To Small items
( Just Learning about my study has the
potential to save you a few dollars
to 1000s of dollars depending on circumstances
as explained by the Manufacturer )
as Recommended by the Manufacturer
All Data will Need to Be Verified by a Competent Doctor
And Pharmacist Study by, Gene Bowdish
Playlist of Some of my history if my inventions and studies
you need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist
HVAC #9 invention, and Study by, Gene Bowdish, YouTube Playlist
7 Ideas I created and tested and work properly most of the Time ( errors read below ) to prevent damage to your, prescription so your prescription still works properly, ( and to save you money so you don’t have to pay to replace damaged your prescription ), while taking it home, from the pharmacy, from the hospital, and / or from the doctor(s) office, based on my personal
experience 1. Portable Automatically Temperature Controlled Thermostat to protect prescription(s) when it is to warm outside Invention #3 successfully worked keeping prescriptions in the safe Temperature zone up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit outside 2. Humidity Control to protect your prescription 3. Humidity High and Low indicator 4. Temperature High and Low indicator 5. Portable Automatically Temperature Controlled Thermostat to
protect prescription(s) when it is to cold outside 6. High Temperature Alarm to warn you to take action
to protect your prescription 7. Wireless Temperature Remote to easily see Temperature, High Temperature indicator and Low Temperature indicator
A percentage of people said they used there own idea, to save them money, after hearing about my study 1 person said they used there own idea, to save them $25,000.oo Dollars, after hearing about my study I found out that many more people have the Same challenge Search, “AARP $1000 Meds” Many people pay a $1000.oo dollars A day, how much would they have to pay How much Co-Pay To replace $31,000.oo dollars Worth of a damaged prescription ? How would you know if your prescription Was damaged or not and became Less effective or stopped working altogether Because of being out of the safe temperature range ? How would you know if your prescription became Damaged and picked up harmful qualities Because of being out of the safe temperature range ? ( errors so far, I first learned I had to replace my damaged prescription because it was too warm in 2018 Doctor, Pharmacist and the Manufacturer suggested to replace damaged prescription because my prescription was no longer working properly I had to pay for my damaged prescription because it was warmer than the forecast predicted, and I was not using my inventions to protect my
prescriptions Doctor, Pharmacist and the Manufacturer suggested to replace damaged prescription I had to pay for my damaged prescription A 2nd time, because it was warmer than the forecast predicted, and I was not using my inventions to protect my
prescriptions Doctor, Pharmacist and the Manufacturer suggested to replace damaged prescription Alarm alerted me to a loose wire, easy fix because I had tools
to fix it in less than a minute
with me, Invention #3 alarm alerted me battery didn’t last more than 8 hours, quick fix, changed battery with spare
battery I had with me in less than a
minute, Invention #2, alarm alerted me to change blue ice because I used it for more than 4
hours when it was 105 degrees
Fahrenheit outside ( heat wave 105 degrees
Fahrenheit in the shade, see videos )) Invention #1 had a hard time getting above 60 degrees Fahrenheit When it was 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside unless I opened The lid because it was to well insulated And very big But it could hold and protect a lot more Than my smaller invention Search results for reports damaged prescriptions at home I did not find any warning about temperature storage at home I did not find any warning about temperature storage at home What about a power outage and your HVAC is not working to protect Your prescription(s) ? You will need to verify all data with a competent
doctor and pharmacist Study by, Gene Bowdish
I Engineered, Designed,
worked the first time
And upgrades and improvements
Electrical, motor wiring
Electronics, Alarm
Batteries, Voltage, 1.5 VDC, 3 VDC,
5 VDC, 6 VDC
High Temperature Alarm, thermostat buzzer
HVAC, Ventilation, Fan, Blue ice, insulation, Air Check Valve,
Heating bio-mechanical and fan cooling
Humidity Control, Blue ice
Schematic Wiring, I made the wiring diagram
Control System Settings, thermostat control settings
Lighting, LED
Motor Control, Thermostat Controls Motor
many tests with many people including observation by paramedics,
many pharmacists,
many doctors,
many medical professionals,
King 5 News,
Olympian Newspaper,
Thurston County Media,
many Military Personnel ,
many Fire Department Personnel,
Security for the Senate,
UPS drivers,
USPS drivers,
washington state patrol,
police Personnel,
washington state fair officials,
radio stations,
washington state officials,
city officials,
washington state capital officials,
department store managers,
Auto Mechanics,
Auto Parts Store Managers,
1000s of Balloon Art Customers
Operated, I operate it
Safety Requirements, keeps items from damage
Designed to Save Money, prevents temperature damage,
may have to pay a few dollars
to 1000s of dollars for medicine damage, etc
Lives, prevents health risks, if medicine is unknowingly damaged
and isn’t working right
Property, prevents damaged medicine,
associated with car accidents, and other related
and invented portable Air-Conditioners by, Gene Bowdish
About 999 out of every 1000 people,
I never heard about medicine temperature damage before
Many parents, thank you for giving me information
that will help save my type 1 diabetic child
Lady, thank you for saving me $25,000.oo from medicine
Example, search “AARP prescriptions that cost a $1000.oo
a day”
Many people, thank you for giving me information
that will help save my life, and / or the life of a loved
Health Benefits
Enjoy the health benefits of Vitamin D3 from the Sun
while portable medicine is temperature protected
National Library of Medicine
Health Benefits
Both sun exposure and serum vitamin D levels have been
associated with lower risks of all-cause mortality and chronic age-related
diseases, e.g., cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Health Benefits for 1000s or millions of people
More accurate medical studies
Gene Bowdish Temperature Automatically controlled invention, Research, Playlist
I have told 1000s of people about this study
many, many people are impressed by what message this gives to them ..
about 1 in a 1000 people know about the prescription temperature challenge
that means about 999 people in a 1000 do not know because it was not made clear to them
tell people about this study, you may save a life !
by telling people about my study,
the life you save may be your own life on many levels .. ?
( knowing that a prescription has a temperature safety storage range,
and you knowing how to do that,
you need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist,
and you sharing that information with people who need to know,
that is what saves lives ... !
how do I make more this clear ? telling someone, who needs to know,
increases the probability of making you more healthy and or saving your life and or someone else's life )
Please share, you may not know who’s life you are going to save,
you may not know how simple it is to save a life,
so far only 1 in 500 people I have asked know about this challenge,
many people said thank you
Study by, Gene Bowdish
hypothesis If a doctor, pharmacist, fire department, paramedic, Police department, Puyallup Fair, Sheriff’s department, State Patrol, Military, television stations, news stations, newspapers, media, etc tells you about my temperature study, and by you understanding what you need to do, you maybe more healthy and reduce your providers liability because now you know what you can do to stay more healthy ? ! when it comes to Prescription Room Temperature storage ... ( this information is based on my personal experience )
WARNING, 3 time I was told my meds were damaged because of to high of a personal storage temperature ( first time for me was 2018, my medicine stopped working all together, after that I invented my portable automatically controlled temperature AirConditioner )
2 other times ( I was not using my invention at the time ) my prescriptions were only 3 degrees over temperature, weather was warmer than weather forecast predicted my Doctor, my Pharmacist, and a representative for the manufacturer said, 3 degrees over manufacturer’s recommended safety temperature limit because there was no easy way to guarantee medicine was still safe to use my medicine needed to be replaced I was told insurance does NOT cover to replace the cost of damaged prescriptions
How would you know if your meds were damaged ?
Your choice is to tell the people you care about or not, what will you do ?
Study by, Gene Bowdish
U of U Study, ABC Television