Study by, Gene Bowdish
Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
MaGenie Magic Co. Gene Bowdish Lacey, WA ( 360 ) 660-7085 Text
check back for updates and latest study(s) updated 10/26/2024
This Page Updated there may need to be more updates
Gene Bowdish: A summary for less educated people would be helpful,
Also a short summary would be helpful for people with a less attention span,
And a more comprehensive summary would be helpful for experts who are asked to look at my study when people ask medical professionals about my personal prescription temperature storage study by Gene Bowdish
Ai response from Instagram:
Here are three summaries tailored to different audiences: Simple Summary (Less Educated/General Audience): Gene Bowdish’s study looked at how temperature affects prescription medicine storage. The study helps us understand how to keep medicines safe and effective. Brief Summary (Short Attention Span): Gene Bowdish conducted a study on prescription temperature storage. Key findings: ·Temperature impacts medicine effectiveness ·Proper storage is crucial ·Study provides guidance for safe storage practices Comprehensive Summary (Expert/Professional Audience): Gene Bowdish’s study investigates the effects of temperature fluctuations on prescription medication stability and efficacy. The research examines optimal storage conditions, temperature ranges, and factors influencing medication degradation. Key findings include: ·Temperature-dependent degradation rates ·Storage guidelines for maintaining potency ·Implications for patient safety and medication adherence This study provides valuable insights for healthcare professionals, pharmacists, and patients, informing evidence-based practices for prescription medication storage. Would you like me to modify or expand on these summaries?
HVAC #9 invention, and Study by, Gene Bowdish, YouTube Playlist
July 15, 2023 I helped a State Patrolman save a lot of lives today 7/15/2023
July 3, 2023, I helped a policeman save a lot of lives today 7/3/2023
A Doctor was very impressed with my study, just recently 5/21/2023
Safety First, All Data will Need to Be Verified by a Competent Doctor
And Pharmacist
Study by, Gene Bowdish
many People that was impressed by my Study, Study by, Gene Bowdish
on average, only 1 in a 1000 people have heard about storage temperature
even less know what to do and how to do it,
many people told my to tell you ...
someday you may wish you learned about my study if you didn't ?
( keep in mind some people / parents that are out of high school cannot read very well
keep in mind some people / parents that are out of high school
do not have any education / understanding in science
and cannot recognize that importance of these studies )
on average, after listening to my talk about my study,
you may instantly have a better understanding ...
or be able to find someone(s) to explain it to you ..
why just reading my study may help you !
A Lady said reading my study, saved her $25,000.oo, I thought she was a special case
after I looked into it, her challenge is very common
A guy said, after reading my study, the information saved his life,
many more people told me the same thing
A Lady said, Thank You, your study saved my young daughter's Life
many more people said the same thing about their children
A Lady said, Thank You for saving my Pets Life, many other People said the same thing
Study by, Gene Bowdish
Gene Bowdish, My New Battery Operated Portable Air-Conditioner invention,
Update Works in the Hot Summer and in the Cold Winter
Keeping Small item(s) at Room Temperature to prevent damage To Small items
( Just Learning about my study has the potential to save you a few dollars
to 1000s of dollars depending on circumstances as explained by the Manufacturer )
as Recommended by the Manufacturer
All Data will Need to Be Verified by a Competent Doctor
And Pharmacist
Study by, Gene Bowdish
yeah this idea has the potential to help:
Diabetics recover faster
Heart patients recover faster
Lung patients recover faster
you name the disease
and if it has a prescription that fits the laws of physics of my HVAC invention,
my Study and HVAC invention has the potential to help those patients recover faster
Safety First, All Data will Need to Be Verified by a Competent Doctor
And Pharmacist
Study by, Gene Bowdish
Gene Bowdish, My New Battery Operated
Portable Air-Conditioner invention,
Update Works in the Hot Summer
and in the Cold Winter Keeping Small item(s) at Room Temperature
to prevent damage To Small items
( Just Learning about my study has the
potential to save you a few dollars
to 1000s of dollars depending on circumstances
as explained by the Manufacturer )
as Recommended by the Manufacturer
All Data will Need to Be Verified by a Competent Doctor
And Pharmacist Study by, Gene Bowdish
you need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist
Gene Bowdish Temperature Automatically controlled invention, Research, Playlist
inventions by Gene Bowdish Studies by Gene Bowdish I have done 1000s and 1000s of studies since 2001 I have done many studies before 2001 Playlist of Some of my history of my inventions and studies watch some of my studies here updated daily or occasionally Portable Air Conditioner inventions by, Gene Bowdish - YouTube
I have told 1000s of people about this study
many, many people are impressed by what message this gives to them ..
about 1 in a 1000 people know about the prescription temperature challenge
that means about 999 people in a 1000 do not know because it was not made clear to them
tell people about this study, you may save a life !
by telling people about my study,
the life you save may be your own life on many levels .. ?
WARNING, 3 time I was told my meds were damaged
because of to high of a personal storage temperature
( first time for me was 2018, my medicine stopped working all together,
after that I invented my portable automatically controlled temperature Air Conditioner )
2 other times ( I was not using my invention at the time )
my prescriptions were only 3 degrees over temperature,
weather was warmer than weather forecast predicted
my Doctor, my Pharmacist, and a representative for the manufacturer said,
3 degrees over manufacturer’s recommended safety temperature limit
because there was no easy way to guarantee medicine was still safe to use
my medicine needed to be replaced
I was told insurance does NOT cover to replace the cost of damaged prescriptions
How would you know if your meds were damaged ?
Your choice is to tell the people you care about or not,
what will you do ?
Study by, Gene Bowdish
My first invention was the easiest one for me to make
-But it does not have a USB 5 VDC circulating fan to prevent hot and cold air pockets inside my homemade air conditioner so the inside temperature is more accurate inside my homemade air conditioner
- But it does not have 2000 Milliampere AA rechargeable batteries
- But it does not have a remote thermometer so i can see the temperature in real time inside my homemade air conditioner
- But it does not have digital thermostats for better more accurate temperatures that are easier to adjust to desired temperatures
- But it does not have a high temperature alarm
- But it does not have a low temperature alarm
- But it does not have a heater and volt meter to see battery level inside my homemade air conditioner to keep at room temperature when it is cold outside to prevent damage to my prescriptions that need to stay between 68 Degrees Fahrenheit and 77 degrees Fahrenheit that the manufacturer says it needs to be to prevent damage to the prescription ( when the pharmacist fails to give me the correct personal storage temperature, i look it up here which is provided by the federal government of the United States until i can verify it with a competent doctor and pharmacist some are not listed here but i found it listed on a OHSA safety data sheet which is listed with the manufacturer
- But it does not have a digital thermostat DPDT 3 VDC relay interlock so the temperature inside my homemade air conditioner is more accurate by only allowing the heater digital thermostat or the cooling digital thermostat to run stops the warming and cooling digital thermostats from running at the same time
- But it does not have an AND GATE digital logic circuit to protect and turn two 30,000 Milliampere Hour rechargeable batteries into one 60,000 Millampere Hour battery so the 5 VDC modified heater with a 5 VDC circulating fan can last all day on a cold day
- But it does not have a DPDT 12 VDC relay that allows the 12 VDC and the 4.5 or 5 VDC to be controlled at the same time for the 12 VDC fan and the 4.5 VDC or 5 VDC heater so the heater is more efficient
i was able to make these improvements because i am a General Journeyman Electrician and an Electronics Tech ( my Washington State General Journeyman Electrician License is expired i took an introductory course for Electronics Power Supplies at Centralia College and much more education )
My 1st Design
My 2nd Design
My 3rd Design
my 4th Design
My 5th Design
My 6th Design
My 7th Design
My 8th Design
My 9th Design
You can request a Public Record, About my Study
Study by, Gene Bowdish
From the Washington State Attorney General’s Office
(360) 586-7777
( knowing that a prescription has a temperature safety storage range,
and you knowing how to do that,
you need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist,
and you sharing that information with people who need to know,
that is what saves lives ... !
how do I make more this clear ? telling someone, who needs to know,
increases the probability of making you more healthy and or saving your life and or someone else's life )
Please share, you may not know who’s life you are going to save,
you may not know how simple it is to save a life,
so far only 1 in 500 people I have asked know about this challenge,
many people said thank you
Study by, Gene Bowdish
hypothesis If a doctor, pharmacist, fire department, paramedic, Police department, Puyallup Fair, Sheriff’s department, State Patrol, Military, television stations, news stations, newspapers, media, etc tells you about my temperature study, and by you understanding what you need to do, you maybe more healthy and reduce your providers liability because now you know what you can do to stay more healthy ? ! when it comes to Prescription Room Temperature storage ... ( this information is based on my personal experience )
a percentage of people keep there temperature dependent prescription(s)
in a small temperature controlled room which does nothing when the power is out
unless they have a properly installed UPS Power Supply
peoples meds, supplements, vitamins, and anything else in storage that is
temperature dependent
Please share, someone may depend on you for there health or life ?!
if an emergency, call 911 immediately
Today's Temperature and history and location search
that includes businesses that have storage air-conditioned units for meds
that were promised pandemic assistance
that did not get what they needed ?
that includes people that were not allowed to work during the pandemic
that were promised pandemic assistance that did not get what they were promised
that includes people who are self employed who were promised
pandemic assistance who did not get what they were promised
because the government has been looking for an expert
but to the best of my knowledge has yet to find such an expert
to help solve these problems
when I called for assistance multiple times, same answer
7/2/2021 to present
I was finally told an expert would contact me
but they have failed to find such an expert, todays date 6/26/2022
Hypothesis, It will cost you on average a few dollars to +$25,000.00 for a damaged prescription ?
( a lady at the park told me about this challenge that people have )
to keep from getting sick or worse if no one told them about my study Study by, Gene Bowdish
hypothesis, find the best temperature range,
to make a prescription, supplement, mineral, etc
the most effective it can be so a more healthy result happens quicker, faster, better, etc ... ???
The new science of Algebraic Economics as defined by Gene Bowdish ... Limited by the Laws of Physics... economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics... Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor ( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
Study by, Gene Bowdish
PURPOSE; REASON I INVENTED MY COOLER INVENTION #genebowdish Please share, you may not know who’s life you are going to save, you may not know how simple it is to save a life, so far only 1 in 1000 people I have asked know about this challenge, many people said thank you Study by, Gene Bowdish updated 8/30/2022
My Cooler invention humidity went down from 57 to 27 very fast Study by, Gene Bowdish
Temperature and Humidity of my cooler invention Room Temperature Study by, Gene Bowdish #genebowdish
it is 63 °F degrees outside, 84 °F degrees inside my pocket what is the temperature in your pocket ? Study by, Gene Bowdish
Doing it for real this time, 71 °F inside the coat invention by, Gene Bowdish Study by, Gene Bowdish
71 degrees Fahrenheit inside the coat, invention by, Gene Bowdish 2/6/2022 this is my next invention, designed to keep prescriptions at room temperature in cold weather still in the testing phase, working right now, but something unforeseen could happen ? Study by, Gene Bowdish
as always, You will need to verify all data with a competent Doctor and Pharmacist
WARNING CAUTION Today's date 7/10/2021
30 to 90 day warning from heat wave on 6/27/2021
a percentage of people may experience life threatening issues depending on there personal situation questions ask your doctor and pharmacists
study by, Gene Bowdish 360-660-7085
7/1/2021 WARNING CAUTION ( as of right now I do not know of a better way to say this ... )
you may need to ask if your prescription needs to be exchanged, replaced, upgraded, etc.
after the heat wave of 110 °F ask your pharmacist ask your doctor ask ... ??? spread the word, it may be the only warning some people get ? study by, Gene Bowdish
2021-06-17 Study by Gene Bowdish,
after my challenge,
I was surprised to find out that 1000s
of people
do not know about the importance of
prescription temperature storage,
and how it may affect their health
I helped to save many lives,
how can I get recognition,
a grant, and other helpful things …
Gene Bowdish ?
After my challenge I was surprised
to find 1000s of people do not know
about prescription temperature
and how important properly storing
each prescription
may be to each person’s health
whether they take a prescription,
supplement, vitamin, mineral or not ?
There is much more information that
may apply to you
that I don’t have time to talk about
right now
and or the properly skilled people to
help me explain this subject to you … ?
1. prescription temperature may be
most effective between certain temperatures ?
2. it is possible for a prescription
to go bad
if the prescription goes out of the
safe temperature zone
into the danger zone
( ask your doctor,
ask your pharmacist,
ask the prescription manufacturer
if they will guarantee the
effectiveness of a prescription
that goes into the temperature danger
and what the “time / temperature ramp”
for failure to work properly and or
toxicity ) ?
References: many people were
and liked,
and thanked, me for the information I
that may have saved many lives …
1. I have asked 1000s of people about
this similar topic
2. I have asked many pharmacists about
this similar topic
3. I have asked many doctors about
this similar topic
4. I have asked many nurses about this
similar topic
5. I have asked many hospital supply
persons about this similar topic
6. I have asked many medical
professionals about this similar topic
7. I have asked many fire department
persons about this similar topic
8. I have asked many Police, Sheriff,
and State Patrol, Department persons
about this similar topic
9. I have asked many people that are
taking technical courses,
college courses, university courses,
and teachers about this similar topic
10. I have asked many Guard Department
persons about this similar topic
11. I have asked city, county, state,
and federal department employees
and persons about this similar topic
12. I have asked many military persons
about this similar topic
13. and I have asked many others about
this similar topic
15. Guard at Olympia, City Hall
16. Washington State Capitol, Secretary of State
17. Washington State Capitol, entrance assistant
18. Newspaper, Tacoma News Tribune, at Washington State Capitol
19. UPS, Mail delivery, truck driver
20. KAYO 96.3 FM Radio Event
21. Study by, Gene Bowdish, Medical Professionals, Pharmacists, and Prescription Manufacturer
( an example of a prescription medicine, that cannot go over 77 Degrees Fahrenheit or it will be damaged
( I have not yet found a government website that explains this challenge in an easy to understand format ... !? )
( I have seen many improvements on many levels since I started this study )
healthcare insurance in this case will not pay to replace damaged prescription
the prescription has to be replaced or there is a risk of health issues as a result
( everybody's circumstances are different,
you have to ask your doctors and pharmacists if it applies to you ))
22. Tour Guide, Washington State Capitol
23. King 5 News
24. Olympia Parks Department Worker
25. Olympia, WA, Police Officer and Olympia Fire Department ( 7/28/2021 ... )
26. Olympia Parks Department Supervisor ( ... )
27. Olympia Parks Department Worker ( working on becoming a teacher, transferring from another state )
and many others ...
106 F inside the Olympia Center ? No, Study by, Gene Bowdish #genebowdish
94 F in the store inside No, just came in from outside70 F room temperature #genebowdish
68F, 68F, 68F 3 thermometers same amazing between 59°F to 86°,
3.0 cooler invention by, #genebowdish
Prescribed temperature, between 59°F to 86°F
for this specific item, for this specific test, other items may have different prescribed temperatures
3.0 cooler invention by, Gene Bowdish #genebowdish
3.0 cooler invention by, Gene Bowdish,
this test, between 59°F to 86°F for this specific item #genebowdish
Automatically temperature controlled invention by, Gene Bowdish #genebowdish
Amazing accurate room temperature 68F, 68F, 68F, 3 thermometers
Keeping prescription medicine the right room temperature
Study by #genebowdish
You will need to verify all data with a competent pharmacist and doctor
Prescribed temperature, between 59°F to 86°F for this specific item,
for this specific test, other items may have different prescribed temperatures
3.0 cooler invention by, Gene Bowdish #genebowdish
3.0 cooler invention by, Gene Bowdish, this test,
between 59°F to 86°F for this specific item #genebowdish
Automatically temperature controlled invention by, Gene Bowdish #genebowdish
Amazing accurate room temperature 66F, 68F, 68F, 66F, 4 thermometers
Keeping prescription medicine the right room temperature
Study by #genebowdish
You will need to verify all data with a competent pharmacist and doctor
broken temperature meter
cooler invention, Study 3 by, Gene Bowdish 06/27/2021
testing thermocouple meter, Study by, Gene Bowdish
Bloopers, cooler, invention by, Gene Bowdish 06 28 2021 movie formatted by Pinnacle Studio
The new science of Algebraic Economics
as defined by Gene Bowdish ... Limited by the Laws of Physics...
economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...
Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
if your prescription is / was not kept at the correct temperature
you need to ask your pharmacist and doctor if there is any danger to your health or to someone else's health ... ???
examples: but yours may be different, ask your doctor and pharmacist ... how this information applies to you
( the list of possibilities is way to long to post here )
in this case, it says store between 36 °F degrees and 46 °F degrees even a brand new Refrigerator can have temperature keeping problems what happens if medicine freezes accidently ? it has been my experience, I have been told that medicine that is supposed to be refrigerated is damaged as soon as it freezes by pharmacists I am looking for good data on medicine that freezes, I have not found it yet ask your pharmacist ask your doctor
Keep your appliances at the proper temperatures. Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40° F (4° C). The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C). Check temperatures periodically. Appliance thermometers are the best way of knowing these temperatures and are generally inexpensive.
Chilling stored foods to proper temperatures is one of the best ways to slow the growth of dangerous bacteria. The Federal government estimates that there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness annually
Gene Bowdish, 1, Temperature Automatically controlled invention, Research
Study and inventions by, Gene Bowdish, Play List
Gene Bowdish, 2, invention automatically controlled temperature
Study and inventions by, Gene Bowdish, Play List
Gene Bowdish, 3, Inventions automatically temperature controlled/ research
Study and inventions by, Gene Bowdish, Play List
Nursing ideas Temperature Storage
Study by, Gene Bowdish, Play List
a poor person's idea of an air-conditioner is a fan in 90°F degree weather heat rises ... a percentage of experts do not know and or understand at what temperatures prescriptions get damaged ... ??? How to Store Medications 5,281 views, Jul 29, 2010 Howcast 8/1/2021 Howcast Description Emphasizing high-quality instructional video production, Howcast brings you leading experts and accurate, reliable information Details Location: United States
Washington State Capitol Security for the Senators
King 5 is helping
King 5 is helping
Fire Department is helping
News Tribune is helping
News Olympian Newspaper is helping
Brand New idea, 9/18/2021
Still in the Research and Development Stage Heater / Cooler – Air Conditioner
At the current time, Works best below 70°F to ____?
invention by, Gene Bowdish #genebowdish
officer is helping
officer is helping
Seattle Times is helping
Cooler inventions by, Gene Bowdish, YouTube
I am working with a radio station to help save lives,
we’ll see what happens, study by, Gene Bowdish
it is your responsibility to make sure your prescription is delivered properly and safely to you ?
wow, things have changed ?
KPRC 2 is the NBC affiliate in Houston, Texas.
Get the latest news, weather, sports and more at
new study update hypothesis 1 a person told me they asked their pharmacist questions and found out that there medicine needed to be protected from the sun during storage a specific medicine needed to be protected from the sun with tin foil during storage at home Notes:
new study update hypothesis 2
If your medicine is less effective
Does that make Lab results incorrect ?
If your medicine is damaged and not working
Does that make Lab results incorrect ?
If your medicine becomes toxic
Does that make your Lab results incorrect ?
Does that make a study less accurate ?
How many studies would need to be redone for more accurate results ?
to the best of my knowledge there is study updates everyday in the
when something new is discovered they jump on it and learn all they can about it
because someone asked me, what about humidity new study update hypothesis 3 humidity and a prescription
test by, Gene Bowdish Humidity 37 and 68 Degrees Fahrenheit
my idea on this is ( I have not tested this idea yet, so my information is coming from my history of information ) put prescription in a ZipLoc sandwich bag or other kind of sealed bag so the bag material does not interfere with the prescription, material verified by a pharmacist ( where you seal the bag at may be important if the location is somewhere the air would interfere with the prescription example: by or in a boat on the ocean ( salt water in the air ) ? example: at work where dust in the air would contaminate the prescription ? aluminum dust at a factory, lead dust, copper dust, etc. may need a humidity reducing packet, type of packet verified by a pharmacist so it doesn't interfere with prescription notes:
Compounding Pharmacist -
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries - Wikipedia
because someone asked me, new study update hypothesis 4 what about a cooler that is plugged into a vehicle 12VDC
I started doing research you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist
I have not tested any of these for refrigerator temperature items ICECO cooler 3 In 1 Review! The 45qt 12v ( Looks like the prices went up ) Compressor Refrigerator Freezer Cooler On Indiegogo May 31, 2020
I don't know if it does room temperature The "Danger Zone" (40 °F-140 °F) Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 ° and 140 °F, doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes. This range of temperatures is often called the "Danger Zone. " That's why the Meat and Poultry Hotline advises consumers to never leave food out of refrigeration over 2 hours. If the temperature is above 90 °F, food should not be left out more than 1 hour.
A persons memory was so good, did not need any way to remember what is said I told person about my invention and room temperature invention Person was very impressed Person said, medicine was delivered in the mail with a special cold pack I was impressed Then I asked did that expensive prescription come with a temperature recorder that costs about $10 dollars at most places last time I checked that shows the high and low temperature the medicine experienced, person said no, person was surprised the expensive prescription did not have anything like that with it study by, Gene Bowdish |
I was talking to a person; person’s medicine costs $18,000 dollars of month Person was surprised about my invention And again, person did not know about the importance of storing Medicine at the right temperature at home person said insurance does not pay for damaged prescription so person said, have to pay $18,000.00 out of pocket if prescription is damaged or go without until have a way to pay for prescription
example from TV station U of U Study: Prescription drugs delivered by mail may be changed by temperature in transit Study by, Gene Bowdish |
because someone asked me, new study update hypothesis 5 you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist what about keeping your items in your house
my idea is to get a room air conditioner and control a small room air conditioners I am familiar with automatically keep your room the desired temperature safety concerns
Grounding - Safety Fundamentals (1hr:13min:19sec) Air-Conditioning, Circuit Sizing, NEC 2020
NEC 2014 - Appliance GFCI Protection
Mike Holt TV Page Safety-Fundamentals
Electrical Fundamentals
National Electrical Code
MikeHoltNEC 83.2K subscribers Description Electrical Education
the smartest doctors, pharmacists, medicine manufacturers, Grocery Store workers, Managers, and Supervisors, Paramedics, medical professionals, LAB technicians, police, FBI, fire departments, military, city, county, state, and federal government employees, security guards for the Washington state senate, and many other security guards, employees who work at the Washington State Capitol electricians, electronics techs, HVAC employees, contractors, TV station employees, Radio Station employees, News Paper employees, UPS Truck Drivers, Mail Deliver workers, and 1000s of other people, etc. already asked me about my study a long time ago !
so they have a head start from everybody else ?
Study by, Gene Bowdish All economic formulas are limited by the laws of physics You will need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist
people keep asking how can a balloon guy make these inventions, balloon guys don't know nothing maybe because : starting in 1978 I went to technical schools for electrician I went to college for introductory for engineering drawing and drafting I went to Centralia college for introductory for electronics including transistor calculations I went to many other technical schools and colleges I taught at evergreen college bicycle recycle and repair a lot of unions and electric companies give me specific training and a lot more ( being taught by expert teachers at technical schools and colleges is no guarantee of earning enough money to solve your financial challenges I am still paying on federal student loans ) part of my resume
I got hit by a car on a crosswalk, I was transported by ambulance to the emergency room, that changed my life
Economic Resistance Explained for part of my study
Study by, Gene Bowdish