Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
MaGenie Magic Co. Gene Bowdish Lacey, WA ( 360 ) 660-7085 Call / Text
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Please share, you may not know who’s life you are going to save,
you may not know how simple it is to save a life,
so far only 1 in 500 people I have asked know about this challenge,
many people said thank you
Study by, Gene Bowdish
If a doctor, pharmacist, fire department, paramedic, Police department, Puyallup Fair,
Sheriff’s department, State Patrol, Military, television stations, news stations, newspapers, media, etc
tells you about my temperature study,
and by you understanding what you need to do,
you maybe more healthy and reduce your providers liability
because now you know what you can do to stay more healthy ? !
when it comes to Prescription Room Temperature storage ...
( this information is based on my personal experience )
Study by, Gene Bowdish Hypothesis Prescription statistics for better health ... example: Note: Is it possible for 2 different people to have 2 different prescription temperatures because of 2 different conditions Ask pharmacist(s) Ask doctor(s) Ask manufacturer(s) Ask ____________ Prescription Name_________ Temperature Sensitive Prescription Minimum Temperature that may cause Prescription Damage ______________ Maximum Temperature that may cause Prescription Damage ______________ Minimum Temperature Prescription for ideal Health ______________ Maximum Temperature Prescription for ideal Health ______________ Note: I have yet to find a data base with this information in it
PURPOSE; REASON I INVENTED MY COOLER INVENTION #genebowdish Please share, you may not know who’s life you are going to save, you may not know how simple it is to save a life, so far only 1 in 500 people I have asked know about this challenge, many people said thank you Study by, Gene Bowdish
PURPOSE; REASON I INVENTED MY COOLER INVENTION #genebowdish Please share, you may not know who’s life you are going to save, you may not know how simple it is to save a life, so far only 1 in 500 people I have asked know about this challenge, many people said thank you Study by, Gene Bowdish
WARNING / CAUTION this is my idea, there is no way for me to know if this idea will work for you or not, Gene Bowdish The new science of Algebraic Economics as defined by Gene Bowdish ... Limited by the Laws of Physics... economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics... Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor ( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully ) a percentage of these ideas are really old idea, some of the links are missing or broken ... ??? I try to find math formulas that help other people... With my junk yard of ideas -
is it possible for you to save $10 or $100 or $10,000 or $100,000 or more
just learning about my invention and how and why it works ... ???
it was my personal experience that
it cost $212.00 dollars to replace a damaged prescription that was 3 degrees over temperature
I was told, Health insurance will not pay for damaged prescriptions
pharmacist said it was damaged
doctor said it was damaged
manufacturer said it was damaged
if someone tells you I am rich, it is fake news
and a fake or incorrect website, Current date 09/19/2021
I don't have any customers hardly this year
The new science of Algebraic Economics
as defined by Gene Bowdish ... Limited by the Laws of Physics...
economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...
Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
a percentage of these ideas are really old idea,
some of the links are missing or broken ... ???
I try to find math formulas that help other people...
With my junk yard of ideas -
this is based on my personal experience
Gene Bowdish
If they think they are better at what I learned with my personal experience than I am,
ask them if they did the algebraic economic research I did since 2001
So if I make something sound simple and easy to understand,
it may be because it is simple and easy to understand
If a doctor, pharmacist, fire department, paramedic, Police department,
Puyallup Fair, Sheriff’s department, State Patrol, Military,
television stations, news stations, newspapers, media, etc.
tells you about my temperature study,
and by you understanding what you need to do,
you maybe more healthy and reduce your providers liability
because now you know what you can do to stay more healthy ? !
based on my personal experience
I believe there is at least 2 different temperatures you are looking for
The temperature range where a properly prescribed prescription will be stored
the hypothesis is that it will help you get well the fastest way possible
Only your pharmacist and doctor will know that ...
And the temperature where your prescription will become less effective,
and or toxic
Only your doctor and pharmacist will know that It is simple laws of physics …
You will need to verify all data with a competent doctor and pharmacist
My electronics teacher, when I was in Centralia College years ago, was so smart,
I didn't understand electronics especially transistors, FETS, SCRs, etc.,
my electronics teacher took college grade words and math and explained it to me in simple English,
( Reason, I am partly disabled ) it does take longer to learn college electronics that way,
but, it has been my experience that, guaranteed the teacher understands what you need to know !
I made many inventions at a factory I worked at,
when I was doing research and development,
that helped reduce down time ... and kept workers working ...
The factory paid for my college costs, with tax deductions, etc.
Many electrical inspectors and beginner electrical inspectors and I
compared my understanding of electrical and electronics physics
and there understanding of the NEC code
Sometimes they said to me, I didn't know that was possible, but you did it ...
The new science of Algebraic Economics as defined by Gene Bowdish ...
Limited by the Laws of Physics...
economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...
Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
a percentage of these ideas are really old idea, some of the links are missing or broken ... ???
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
Study by, Gene Bowdish
Heat transfer | Biomolecules | MCAT | Khan Academy
she uses simple English so it is easier to understand
are you ready for this, if not simply show it to your pharmacist and doctor
ask them what you need to stay more healthy ???
Missing Key words can keep you from learning what you need to know
example Key words = "health risks from improper medication storage"
At what temperature does medicine go bad?
Anywhere from 58 to 86 degrees is still fine, she said.
“During heat waves and cold spells, storage locations can go above or below those ranges,
causing medicines to physically change, lose potency or even threaten your health,”
Dr. McKennon said.Aug 15, 2011 The New York Times
Storing your medicines
why don't they talk about what temperature to keep a prescription
cool and dry can be interpreted by different people in different ways and temperatures
Storing your medicines: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
it is your responsibility to make sure your prescription is delivered properly and safely to you ?
wow, things have changed ?