Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
The new science of Algebraic Economics
as defined by Gene Bowdish ... Limited by the Laws of Physics...
economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...
if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?
I asked more than 50,000 people since 2001
about, 90% of the people, first time I asked, didn't have an idea ...
what was interesting, was the next time I asked the same person, they usually had an idea ...
it appeared that no one had ever asked them before ...
many times they commented to me, no one ever asked me that before you did ...
you are the first person to ask me that question ...
a lot of things have changed since then ... the most common answer from teachers was,
"if you want to learn about the economy ... go to the library ... "
I am praying that their ideas may help you ...
and I am praying that your ideas may help them ...
many people have ideas of there own ...
and have started their own forms of economic communication
to tell you what their ideas are to help you ... ???
Be sure to come back and check for updates, latest update number Revision Update 5,203
this means I ( Gene Bowdish ) worked on algebraic economic research for 5,203 + days
( since 2001, for many reasons ... )
Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
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their is a percentage of people who are looking
for ways to live longer, healthier, happier lives ... and their is a percentage of people who do not want people to live longer, healthier, happier lives ... and they will try to keep any happiness from happening ... a percentage of people do not like to teach economics to the less fortunate ... ??? and may try to keep others from teaching economics to the less fortunate ... ??? |
a percentage of these ideas are really old idea,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
after looking at this site, and the thousands of economic ideas, from thousands of people, who are looking to help you, help them, help you, ... understand economic formulas ... ??? does it give you an idea, of an economic formula, you can use to teach a family, how to solve an economic problem(s) the family has ... ???
if not, maybe you can ask thousands of people, "if you had one idea for people to help each other, what would it be ?" one economic idea times thousands of people = 1000 of economic ideas for you to use for your family ... ???
the public library can give you much more information
treat each economic idea as a Hypothesis and needs to be safely tested to see if it works or not ...
All economic formulas are limited by the laws of physics ... ??? |
hopefully your economic formula has a Fault tolerance built in ... ???
the question is, will it work for you ... ??? or will you need an economic patch ... ???
if an economic patch has not been discovered for you,
how can you discover an economic adaptor
so your economic formula can fit someone else's economic formula ... ???
I ( Gene Bowdish ) asked more than 50,000 people since 2001:
"if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?"
( if you had one idea(s) to make it easier for people to help each other, what would it be ? )
idea for people who have a problem driving cars for health reasons
it is called a pre-crash system ... and is available now ... ???
assuming you have an economic formula you know how to use to get it for your family ... ???
Farm-to-Table Virtual Field Trip: Welcome!
what's that all about ... ???
is there another new deal coming soon ... ???
a percentage of people said, people do not need to learn about economics,
leave everything up to the economics professors in political office,
to decide our families future ... ???
if you don't understand economics,
how are you going to know who to vote for, and when to vote ... ???
why you need to know how to vote ... ???
Master Food License training ... ???
if you cannot find a cure your illness, is it possible to use an economic formula that will Encourage experts to look for a treatment / cure for people like you ... ??? |
Kids guide to economic etiquette ideas ... | |
so many people I talk to, said, "I really don't understand math or economics ... "
if you studied economics, after studying economics, do you feel you understand economics better ... ???
do you see your self better able to know who to vote for ... ???
you could choose to ask:
ask your doctor, "how many ideas in here were used to save lives ... ?"
ask your doctor, "was and / or will this
formula Gene Bowdish discovered / invented / created be used to save your life ... ???
ask your doctor, "how many more lives could be saved if the research in here was better ... ?"
ask your doctor, "how could you help improve the lives of people ... ?"
think about it, how many disease prevention ideas do not need an economic formula to make it work ... ???
even if you do not notice the economic formula saving your life,
there was most likely many economic formulas that you used to save a life, even if you did not realize it ... ??? MaGenie Magic
what should be the word(s) to describe:
- statistical analysis of algebraic economic formulas that increases the fun and life expectancy of a family
limited by the laws of physics ... ???
- statistical analysis of algebraic economic formulas that increases the fun and life expectancy of a city / town
limited by the laws of physics ... ???
- statistical analysis of algebraic economic formulas that increases the fun and life expectancy of a state
limited by the laws of physics ... ???
- statistical analysis of algebraic economic formulas that increases the fun and life expectancy of a country
limited by the laws of physics ... ???
If you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?
your answer = _______________ how would that help you pay your bills ... ???
If you had one idea to make it easier for people to help each other, what would it be ?
your answer = _______________ how would that help you pay your bills ... ???
If you had one idea to improve customer service, what would it be ?
your answer = _______________ how would that help you pay your bills ... ???
I ( Gene Bowdish ) asked more than 50,000 people since 2001
if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ... ???
I am still poor ( I have a lot of economic challenges, so I do not have very many customers ),
but, there is thousands of ideas here, from 1000s of people ...
when doctor(s) are helping you, and every doctor(s) idea(s) has failed,
and everybody else's idea(s) has failed,
there is still at least one last thing to try ... ???
algebraic economic formulas, you can use to help a loved one, limited by the laws of physics ... ???
( a teacher, I love this, the ideas on how to help people are endless ... 8/31/13 ) a percentage of medical professionals say, this is very interesting, I am going to study it ... |
if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?
if you had one idea to make it easier for people to trade, what would it be ?
if you had one idea to make it easier for people to help each other, what would it be ?
etc. etc. etc. ( you may have got a skill from school, but if you do not know how to trade your skill
for what you need, you lose, and the person who needs you skill loses ... ??? )
a fun way to spread the message ...
thanks goes to thousands of people who want to help ...
Some people who come to this web site view it as a cookbook, like looking for a recipe
to build that thing you want, some ideas you may like and some ideas are good for someone else ... ???
only, you have an economic formula, which is not quite complete, so you come here to look for ideas
that hopefully may get you closer to the economic recipe that you want ... ???
Some people who come to this web site view it as a junk yard of economic ideas ...
like having a car, truck, tractor, plane, boat, bike, etc. and you go to a junk yard to get a part for your
car, truck, tractor, plane, boat, bike, etc. ... ???
only you have a economic formula, that is not quite complete, so you come here and look for an economic piece that hopefully may get you closer to where you want to be ... ???
these ideas are brand new ... ???
I have talked to many teachers who said, this is the first time they heard of these ideas ...
I have talked to many people who said, this is the first time they have heard of these ideas ...
I said, they don't teach this stuff in school do they ... and they agree ... ???
these ideas are all based on people helping each other ... ???
the hypothesis is that teacher(s) could use these ideas to save the life/lives of your disabled child/children,
or at least improve those lives ... ???
1. V x F x T = thing you need
2. A x R = thing you need
3. R x V = thing you need
4. (( D x G ) F x G x L ) = thing you need
(I need help from an algebra teacher to fix this formula to make it more accurate )
5. if you can find them,
there is many more algebraic economic formulas, you could make your own economic cookbook ... ???
idea(s) goes to scientist(s) goes to medical board(s) goes to insurance companies goes to
what your doctor(s) is allowed to do, assuming doctor(s) is aware of issue(s) and update(s) ... ???
if idea(s) works, you get the chance of living longer and having another birthday(s) ... ???
your economic idea(s) may save a life ... ???
your economic idea(s) may lead to an economic idea(s) that may save a life ... ???
Economic Key; search words: diabetic diabetes food diet calculator tools
an algebraic economic equation limited by the laws of physics might look like this ...
A + F + D + C + T + E = helps you to live a longer healthier life ... ???
A = diabetic(s) and / or A = Heart patient(s) and / or A = cancer patient(s) etc. ... ???
F = food(s) type(s) ( who describes food(s) type(s) that works for you )
D = diet ( who made / makes a diet(s) that works for you )
C = calculator ( who made / makes a calculator(s) that works for you )
T = tool(s) who made a tool(s) that works for you
E = economic equation(s) ( who made / makes an economic equation(s) that will help you get what you need in this equation ) ... ???
looking for a calculator that can take the ingredients you have in your home ...
food options at a restaurant, hotel, friends house, etc. ... ???
or if you have the economic skill to buy, trade, barter, earn, etc. what you need ... ???
to help a person live a longer healthier life ... ???
how good is your medical professionals at medical math ... ???
how good is your medical professionals at teaching you economic medical math you need to know ... ???
how good is your medical professionals at teaching you economic medical math
you need to know if you have a disability ... ???
if your medical professionals, who are suppose to be helping you,
are not competent in teaching you an economic formula that you need to know,
medical professionals may or can or will, take a child(s) away from economically disabled parent(s) ... ???
Diabetes Calculator for Kids ... ???
when would you need an economic formula to stay alive ... ???
ask an economically poor diabetic ... ???
your economic idea(s) may save a life ... ???
your economic idea(s) may lead to an economic idea(s) that may save a life ... ???
ok, we know about the problems, where are the solutions ... ???
how about robots that swim the oceans the absorb the mercury and then take it out of the oceans ... ???
duhhhhhhhhh .... Gene, we don't have that ...
Gene: response, duhhhhhhhhh ... see if you can get thousands of people
to work together to invent one, hello ... ???
... criticized Dr. Mehmet Oz during a hearing on ...
if you teach them, they could potentially save your life one day ... ???
if you do not teach them, how can they save your life when the time comes,
when everyone else's idea(s) has failed ... ??? choose ...
if you are afraid and feel you do not have a high enough IQ to come up with an idea
maybe you could ask someone who does have a high IQ ... ???!_does_this_book_work.htm
can these ideas work in the real world ... ???
Does the medical professionals do statistical analysis for families that owe money, and come up with ideas families can use who owe money to medical professionals in an attempt to reduce economic friction for the families they serve ... ???
partial update 4/9/15
What is or is not covered in Obama Care ... ??? did anyone designing the Obama Care economic math model ask and or test these questions ... ??? and find experts to help improve and or solve one or more of these economic challenges ... ??? if and when you are not around to protect your children ... whatever medical economic models you vote to build for your kids, will be the ones they have to deal with on their own ... ???
are the costs of tools and education for the disabled covered ... ???
is the costs of entertainment covered ... ???
Laughter therapy Laughter has been used as a therapeutic tool for many years because it is a natural form of medicine.
you might / may have medical insurance, ... because you pay close to a $1000 dollars a month for medical insurance to medical professionals... but for some reason, you still have medical deductibles ... what is up with that ... ??? what is the economic resistance that causes that ... ???
you might / may have medical insurance, ... because you pay close to a $2000 dollars a month for medical insurance to medical professionals... so you would be double covered, and still, but for some reason, you still have medical deductibles ... what is up with that ... ??? what is the economic resistance that causes that ... ???
are the costs of , not being able to afford a vehicle, gas, insurance, maintenance ... etc. because of medical deductibles ... ??? and because you do not have enough customers ... ??? all you would need is medical processionals who studied and comprehended algebraic economics well enough to help you find enough of the right kind of customers ... ??? for your medical needs ... ??? what is the economic resistance that causes that ... ???
Medical Professional Billing: is there any way you can pay more on your deductible so we do not have a balance owing ? Patient: if I had more customers, it would make it easier for my to pay my bills ... do you have any ideas on how I could find customers ... ? Medical Professional Billing: it is not our job to find you customers . Patient: was that question, you asked me, an honest question or not ? Medical Professional Billing: what question was that ? Patient: you asked me, " is there any, way you can pay more money on the bill ? " and my answer was, if I had more customers it would be easier for me to pay Medical Professional Billing: I do not know how to find you customers ... your health insurance company(s) rarely pays us anything at all ... ... ... ... ( the doctors are the ones who pick and pay the billing specialists to help the patients ... ??? ) ( there appears to be a lot of programs for a family who does not have any customers ... ??? but there is not many or any programs for a family who has customers, ... but not enough customers ... ??? )
are the costs of; not covered by medical insurance, DSHS, etc.; ... covered ... ??? are the costs of; tools and education for the disabled covered ... ??? are the costs of; wheel chairs, crutches, trained dogs for the blind, etc. ... covered ... ??? are the costs of; medical professional teachers, to teach patients how to use; wheel chairs, crutches, trained dogs for the blind, etc. ... covered ... ??? are the costs of medical deductibles covered ... ??? are the costs of prescriptions and or deductibles covered ... ??? are the costs of brand name prescriptions and or higher deductibles covered, where there is not a generic brand available covered ... ??? are the costs of hospital supply items for patients and or deductibles covered ... ??? are the costs of the dental deductibles covered ... ??? are the costs of the natural paths care and or deductibles covered ... ??? are the costs of their prescriptions and or deductibles covered ... ??? are the costs of a compound pharmacy covered .. ??? are the costs of going to a college, tech school, university, school are the costs of, to look for a medical solution for a family member covered ... ??? are the costs of, to put together an exercise, nutrition system to help prevent diabetes, heart disease, etc. ... ??? ( I have not seen anything like this at any exercise gym, nursing facility, or medical center ... ??? ) are the costs of personal and or business computers using for medical records and research covered ... ??? are the costs of file cabinets and or software used for medical research covered ... ??? are the costs of tools used for medical purposes and or research covered ... ??? are cleaning supplies, tools, and or storage covered ... ??? are the costs of transportation, rental vehicles, trailers and accessories costs and or deductibles covered ... ??? if you have more than 100 hundred medical professionals helping, does it pay for them all ... ??? are the costs of the veterinarian care and or deductibles covered ... ??? are the costs of diabetic foods covered ... ??? are the costs of any health foods covered ... ??? are the costs of a years meal plans covered, for best prices, and for most fun to eat ... ??? if the hospital(s) nutrition ... doctors, nurses, and staff refuses to build, a years meal plans, ... so you can learn and understand nutrition, ... and your patient not have to wait for nutritional meals, ... while you are learning specialized nutritional skills ... is that covered ... ???
you may need the proper economic formula to go with the sample meal plans or the sample meal plans may not work for you ... ???
there are more ideas down this page ... ???
assuming there is not a way for you to learn nutrition skills from medical professionals ... for whatever the reason ... ??? is their not any computer and software, anywhere, designed by a competent group of medical professionals who would have published it in the PDR ... since year 2000, that can give a sample menu plan to a patient, with substitution options ... ??? designed for a medical condition ... ??? designed around your economic condition ... ??? assuming there is, are the costs of the computer, software, and tools needed, for the patient, to complete the task ... covered ... ???
are the costs of going to college to learn specialized nutritional skills ...
are the costs of at least one example of an economic formula a family uses doctor(s) may miss for a family they are helping is library books at the library are suppose to be free to check out, but there is at least one economic formula that, one week, cost us over $100 dollars in library fees ...
especially if you find out that the hospital staff is not as well trained in specialized nutrition education as you thought they were ??? are the costs of the foods at a restaurant / store covered that a doctor(s) says might work ... ??? are the costs of health books covered ... ??? are the costs of medical related parking covered ... ??? are the costs of exercise equipment, wheel chairs, bicycles, etc. covered ... ??? are the costs of any undiscovered medical research items covered ... ??? are late fees for services covered if caused by medical costs ... ??? are the costs of a certified financial advisor covered ... ??? are the costs of even thinking about Bankruptcy covered ... ??? if you are still paying on deductibles, and non-covered medical related costs, are those costs covered ... ??? if your vehicles are repossessed because of medical related costs, are those costs covered / recoverable ... ??? if your credit rating suffers because of medical related costs, is that recoverable ... ??? are the costs of any __________________________ covered in Obama Care ... ??? if a family has a problems with a government and or other economic math model that interferes with a family's health care, are those costs covered and or recoverable ... ???
are the costs of medical mistakes, errors, etc. recoverable ... ???
if you do not have enough money to pay for an Obama Care Plan because of one or more of these pre-existing, non-covered economic medical conditions, do you still get a penalty for not purchasing Obama Care ... ???
I ( Gene Bowdish ) did research in the past and found that it could easily cost $ 250,000 dollars out of pocket, over a three year period, by non-covered items, even when two parents were double covered by what was considered really good health plans ...
there is not much economic information on how to live within your means ... ??? but there is a lot of economic information on how to live within your budget ... ??? what did your medical professionals economically get taught, in school, on the job, etc. ... ??? to economically teach you ... ???
Medical professionals have at least 2 choices for you in teaching you how to economically afford what health related things you need ... ??? they can teach you how to live within your means so you can get what you need ... ???
( if you do not teach your kids economics, someone else will ... ??? ) and if they do not know how to do that, they can teach you how to live within your budget ... ??? a percentage of medical professionals say you can use ideas from extreme cheap skates ... ???
( toys r us has many toys your child can learn with ... ) medical professional, if you, the parent, do not have the economic skill to get what you need, for your child, their are other things you can do, example: you can use juice can lids from friends for your child to practice physical therapy methods with ... to help improve your child's motor skills ...
if you, the parent, are borderline diabetic or similar illness, and it you do not have the economic skill to easily afford diabetic type foods, and the medical professionals say you do not need diabetic foods because the tests are negative, and you do not have the economic skill for you to afford to go see your doctor ... and when you do go in for a medical test and the test shows up negative, because you do not have the economic skill to pay for the better tests, and the medical professionals miss it several times ... medical professionals can assume that you have other problems ... ???
I have given these medical professionals, thousands of economic ideas from thousands of people, ( maybe these medical professionals assume everybody's economics ideas are not worth looking at ... it is my understanding that medical professionals are responsible for setting economic education policy in public schools ... when medical professionals go to court, medical professionals talk about how much smarter they are than the average lay person, and yet ... ) of all the economic formulas they can comprehend and choose from, medical professionals who are in charge of economic policy, they choose to use ... medical professionals choose to use fear based economics, and hate based economics ... ??? for there customers ...
that is why I ( Gene Bowdish ) did research on this ...
if a person has to pay for all these medical deductibles, and non-covered medical expenses it takes away from a person's ability to pay for continuing education for their job ... ??? it takes away from a person's ability to pay for college for their job ... ??? it takes away from a person's ability to pay for tools for their job ... ??? it takes away from a person's ability to pay for work clothes, boots, coats, etc. for their job ... ??? it takes away from a person's ability to pay for gas, a vehicle, maintenance, etc. for their job ... ??? it takes away from a person's ability to pay for _______________ for their job ... ??? which makes it more difficult to find more customers for their business so they can get a raise in pay ... ??? which makes it more difficult to find more customers for their business so they can hire employees ... ??? which makes it more difficult to find more customers for their business so they can hire vendors / contractors ... ???
if a person has to pay for all these medical deductibles, and non-covered medical expenses, your customers who do not understand wonder why you do not have any money, and wonder if you do not know how to manage your money / finances ... for other typical reasons and wonder why you are late for work, have to take time off of work, have a junky vehicle / junky work clothes, boots, coats, tools, etc. for your job ... ???
if a person has to pay for all these medical deductibles, and non-covered medical expenses, teachers can wonder why you do not get tools for school, books, learning aids, etc. ... you need for school for you and or for your children ... ???
it can be worse, when the medical professionals don't get it, or understand it ... and are basically economically illiterate to the economic problems and challenges their patients face ... ???
a doctor's office billing department, a hospital billing department, a lab billing department, etc. may ask for a $10 dollar copay and look at you, with out saying it, like why can't you afford the $10 dollar copay medical bill ... ? not knowing, not asking, not caring that there is more than 1400 medical bills just like that one, many of them with much more than a $10 dollar copay ... recorded just this month, from other doctors, medical professionals, health care costs, etc. ...
and then people wonder, why do you ride around on a bike, why can't you afford a car, a truck, etc. ... ???
All economic formulas are limited by the laws of physics ... ???
example: Microsoft a great company, for many reasons, and here is a challenge ... ??? what about medical data saved, used, etc. in windows 95, 98, ME, XP etc. how would a person get important data back ... ??? is there a way to get updates with out connecting to other computers ... ???
I called in and was talking to a radio host on 570 KVI am around 6:30 am They are talking about raising the minimum wage, will the economic idea work for everybody ... ? Maybe the question is, what is the definition of :
Gross income:
Disposable income:
Discretionary income:
You are seeing web results for Discretionary income ( for some reason, did not want to put the meaning in their dictionary, interesting, very interesting ... ) because there's not a match on
If the Discretionary income goes up for everybody, then that may show that the economic idea works … ??? If the Discretionary income does not go up for everybody, then the formula may need some changes for it to work … ???
He said, I think you are missing some people in the equation …
Study links autism and pesticides A new study finds more evidence that pregnant women
who live near farmland where pesticides are used have a 60 percent higher risk of
giving birth to children with autism or other developmental delays.
Master Food License training ... ???
Master food science License training ... ???
economic hypothesis to save an animal(s) life ...
study economics, write a book that gives a family an idea(s) of an economic formula
the family can use to save their pets life ... ???
if the economic formula works,
1000s of people would be generating ideas for millions of families to save a pets life ... ???
Kids guide to economic etiquette ideas ... if the books do not work for you, the idea is to get the keywords out of the books so you can search for ones that do ... ???
reason(s) why it might be important to teach your children economics ... ??? United States: High school seniors ... less than half of them have a solid understanding of economics, according to an Education Department report released ... ??? Parents may be the only source of economics education for their children ... ???
( a percentage of teachers believe that students do not need to learn customer service ... ??? in that case it is all up to the parents to teach there children customer service ... ???
teacher, "students may need to know customer service if they own their own business, but students do not need to know customer service to get a job ...
Gene, "can you teach a worker customer service ?" worker at a store, "either they know customer service, or they don't, and if they don't know how to do customer service, then they cannot work here ...
hey, parents, who are senior citizens, do you know how you get senior citizen benefits from the government ... ??? it has something to do with how much tax revenue the government receives ... ??? how much money your children earn so they can afford to do things for you, and the more people understand customer service, the more you get ... ??? )
Young people as economically illiterate as ever
Young Entrepreneur 1 Takes Detroit By Storm Ten-year-old Michigan girl makes name for herself as Detroit's youngest Entrepreneur 2 I am the youngest Entrepreneur 3 ... my passion is to get other kids involved ... teaching young people like myself how to make their own money ... I run a super tight ship ... some of my trainees are older than me ... I am the boss of my own company ... I talk to my own customers ... I inspire people ... I would like to have my own store front ... my mom and dad helps me a lot ...
two famous women ... if you wait to the last minute to study economics, you will be way behind everyone else ... ???
is this accurate ... ??? |
Causes for Bankruptcy According to a study published in early 2005, 46 percent of bankruptcies were related to outstanding medical conditions. The major cited reasons in this category included injury or illness, medical expenses not covered by insurance or losing at least two weeks’ worth of work because of illness.
if you start a bankruptcy, a percentage of people will not trust you anymore, even if you find you can back out of a bankruptcy ... ??? it can be difficult to find out who, until after you file for bankruptcy ... ???
Economic challenge for you ... How many people working together does it take to run a hospital ... ?
a team of scientists are responsible for understanding and coming up with a treatment for each disease somewhere in the world, then you can begin to understand the cost doctors have to deal with ... ??? tax based economics typically makes your family algebraically have less money to work with ... ??? root based economics typically makes your family algebraically have more money to work with ... ???
medicine started in the bible ... ???
Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor ( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully ) Latex Allergies ( it can save a life to know what to do ... ??? ) thousands of other things have the same allergen, playing with a balloon can give you a warning that you otherwise might not get from an unknown thing ... ??? a person walks around in the woods, has an allergic attack, and for what ever reason does not know why a person walks around in the store, has an allergic attack, and for what ever reason does not know why and then, a person plays with a balloon, has an attack, it would be difficult for a competent doctor to misdiagnosis that ... ??? Latex Allergies ( What Causes a Reaction to Latex? The reaction is caused by allergens—proteins in the sap of the rubber tree ) if you find out you have become allergic to latex, and you get proper treatment for it, your life may be saved latex is naturally in many locations ... ??? Latex is produced by 20,000 species from over 40 families occurring in multiple lineages in both dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous types of plant. Latex as found in nature is a milky Fluid found in 10% of all flowering plants. Looking for cures for allergies ... ??? is it possible that you may be able to work with thousands of people to find a treatment(s) / cure(s) for allergy(s) is this accurate ... ??? fact or fiction ... ???
is this accurate ... ???
is it possible that thousands of people working together may find treatments and cures ... ???
fact or fiction ... ???
why try to do research you ask ... ???
The American Cancer Society: Creating Hope in the Lab boy found a way to make a cancer test, better and cheaper, test went from $800.00 dollars to 3 cents ... new way to detect pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer that costs three cents and takes five minutes to run ... ??? he probably found that there are those that reject and politically did not like what he was doing ... ??? and he probably found that there are those who are looking for an idea to save lives, and saw promise in what he was doing ... because ideas that lead to saving a life is more important than ... ??? and now those that said it cannot be done in the spot light of the public eye ... are interrupted by those that are doing it in the spot light of the public eye ... |
is this accurate ... ???
fact or fiction ... ???
The Myth about Blood Sugars and Diabetes ... ???
ask experts their opinions on the subjects and see what they say ... true or false ... ???
as Christmas gets closer, one of the things that seems important to me is ... Jesus taught so many things that if all of the ideas were to be written down, the books would cover the earth ... it appears to be difficult to explain it, but maybe ... think about it, Jesus possibly could have done it this way, ... as Jesus was speaking to a 1000 families at one time, each person heard something different that was important to there family ... sounds impossible, maybe a miracle, maybe Jesus also wanted you to know how to do it, which would be a miracle in itself ... can you think of a possible way to do it ... ??? you may be able to ask someone who studies Jesus ... ??? you may be able to ask 1000 people who studies Jesus ... ??? algebra is a language that you can use to talk to thousands of people and if they understand, each family can hear what is important to their family, even though you are talking to thousands of families at once ... ???
their is millions of unwritten books about what Jesus taught in many places of the world ... ???–11;&version=NIV "Do not be afraid; from now on, you will be catching men for salvation."
Business Secrets From The Bible ... ???
Pat Williams: The Secret Of My Success In Beating Cancer
In 1982, Copperfield founded Project Magic, a rehabilitation program to help disabled patients regain lost or damaged dexterity skills by using sleight-of-hand magic as a method of physical therapy
In 1982, Copperfield founded Project Magic, a rehabilitation program to help disabled patients regain lost or damaged dexterity skills by using sleight-of-hand magic as a method of physical therapy
Statistics, She studies what makes students be creative and studies how to motivate them to learn ... I do not know where she is now, but, the economic idea is still out there ... ???
if you cannot find her, a Jesus idea is to fill the childrens hearts with good things to do, so the bad idea things will not have any time to cause problems ... ???
where one teacher fails to teach because the teacher and students do not connect ... ??? another teacher succeeds, with a different approach to the students ... ??? when the teacher who previously failed to connect with students, learns how to connect, that previously failing teacher becomes a success in teaching the hard to reach students ... ???
new tool in cancer research: video games
Teacher Resources ... About Annenberg Learner 1.What does Annenberg Learner do? Our mission is to advance excellent teaching in American schools through the development and distribution of multimedia resources for teaching and learning. We are a division of the Annenberg Foundation, which funds a wide range of programs in education and other areas.
1. What Is Statistics? Using historical anecdotes and contemporary applications, this introduction to the series explores the vital links between statistics and our everyday world. The program also covers the evolution of the discipline. |
these people uses ideas for you to better understand statistics
is this accurate ... ???
these people teaches business language ....
when doctor(s) are helping you, and every doctor(s) idea(s) has failed,
and everybody else's idea(s) has failed,
there is still at least one last thing to try ... ???
algebraic economic formulas, you can use to help a loved one, limited by the laws of physics ... ???
30 minute hip hop cardio dance workout #2 with Adrienne White
Kids Learn Hip Hop with Rhythm
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
math came from farming ... ???
how many seeds to put in each pot ... ? hole ... ? etc.
how many pots do we need ... ?
how many holes do we need ... ?
how many farmers do we need ... ?
they may have said " there has got to be a better way to count them ... " ... ???
lets go to "YouTube" division math problems
tomato seeds
The page "Tomato seeds" does not exist.
( hello, the encyclopedia does not cover tomato seeds, how to save them, grow them ... ??? )
lets go to "YouTube" for tomato seeds
The page "Tomato business" does not exist.
lets go to "YouTube" for tomato business
lets go to "YouTube" for tomato diseases
you can transport a lot more products with a truck ... assuming you are allowed to use a truck ... ???
when doctor(s) are helping you, and every doctor(s) idea(s) has failed,
and everybody else's idea(s) has failed,
there is still at least one last thing to try ... ???
algebraic economic formulas, you can use to help a loved one, limited by the laws of physics ... ???
idea to raise $96,000 dollars one volunteer = $ 96.oo ... ???
to pay medical bills, in 8 hours, ten volunteers = $ 960.oo ... ???
using algebraic root based economics one hundred volunteers = $ 9,600.oo ... ???
limited by the laws of physics ... ??? one thousand volunteers = $ 96,000.oo ... ???
if the group was able to offer $ 96,000.oo to doctors, what could the doctors do for the group ... ???
what does the group need ... ??? what are the skills of the doctors ... ???
YouTube: you are my sunshine song
Channel 4 Paralympics - Meet the Superhumans (Annotated Version)
which economic idea would you choose ... ???
exactly, how does a person buy food when they have no money ... ???
well they may be able to,
or learn how to,
use the algebraic economic laws of physics to pay for food ... ???
these ideas are brand new ... ???
I have talked to many teachers who said, this is the first time they heard of these ideas ...
these ideas are all based on people helping each other ... ???
the hypothesis is that teacher(s) could use these ideas to save the life/lives of your disabled child/children,
or at least improve those lives ... ???
1. V x F x T = thing you need
2. A x R = thing you need
3. R x V = thing you need
4. (( D x G ) F x G x L ) = thing you need
(I need help from an algebra teacher to fix this formula to make it more accurate )
5. if you can find them,
there is many more algebraic economic formulas, you could make your own economic cookbook ... ???
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
(I need help from an algebra teacher to fix this formula to make it more accurate )
I believe public schools should teach algebraic economic customer service education limited by the laws of physics ...
they need teachers who want to teach competent customer service skills
that will work regardless of the economic situation they are in ... ???
typically, public schools have been successful at teaching students how to get a job,
assuming a job is available ... ???
if there is no jobs available, then the alternative is to help customers directly,
with little or no competent customer service skills, so many people do not know how to do that ... ???
if you do not know how to find customers somehow,
then it increases the chances of you not being a customer ... ???
when there are to little customers in the root based economy, jobs get cut everywhere ... ???
I think many government workers do not understand how the government gets the money to pay them ... ???
this person tells you how nursing works so the average lay person may know what to do for a loved one ...
using many things you already know ... ???
if you do not find what you need here, you may be able to get the key words to help you find what you need ... ???
Liver Cirrhosis Song
if you or your group do not like the ideas in here, you can start your own group,
get the keywords out of the books at the library and do your own economic research ... ???
the United States Constitution is suppose to protect your economic rights some how ... ???
these people uses ideas for you to better understand statistics
these people teaches business language ....
these people gives ideas on how to look for medical solutions people need ...
2. The Language of Algebra
Silence Won't Finish the Fight AGAINST Cancer AmerCancerSociety
The American Cancer Society: Creating Hope in the Lab
Liver Cirrhosis Song
can you think of an economic formula to pay for this class ... ???
baby saved by CPR and ... how much does it cost to pay for a CPR Class ... have a fundraiser to
pay for CPR Classes for you and your friends ... ???
![]() |
when I found this class, this was the cost, it could have changed ...
??? will you need an algebraic economic formula to take the class ... ??? ![]() |
Teacher Resources ...
About Annenberg Learner
1.What does Annenberg Learner do?
Our mission is to advance excellent teaching in American schools
through the development and distribution of multimedia resources for teaching and learning.
We are a division of the Annenberg Foundation,
which funds a wide range of programs in education and other areas.
1. What Is Statistics? Using historical anecdotes and contemporary applications,
this introduction to the series explores the vital links between statistics and our everyday world.
The program also covers the evolution of the discipline.
depending on the medical field,
a percentage of doctors do better research than others, depending on the motivation to find a cure ... ???
that is not good or bad, you just need to know who to go to, for what your problem is ... ???'s_Oil
Lorenzo Odone is 25 years old and lives in Washington. ( Wednesday, 21 July, 2004 )
Eighteen years ago he was diagnosed with an incurable disease and given less than two years to live.
His remarkable survival is due to his parents' single minded refusal to accept the doctors' grim prognosis.
Lorenzo Odone, died in May 2008 at the age of 30,
having lived two decades longer than originally predicted by doctors.
Future Amazon Prime Air
a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
people have real lives, a percentage of peoples' economic ideas change with time,
people change jobs, something else may have happened in their life to change their economic view ... ???
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
is this accurate ... ???
Bitcoin Is Property Not Currency in Tax System: IRS
economic formulas here are also limited by the laws of physics ... ???
example: DSHS support programs that works for everyone ... ???
if there is not a DSHS support program for you, you may need to look for one on your own ... ???
if you ask for the wrong kind of help you can get into big trouble ... ???
hopefully your economic formula has a Fault tolerance built in ... ???
the question is, will it work for you ... ??? or will you need an economic patch ... ???
if an economic patch has not been discovered for you,
how can you discover an economic adaptor
so your economic formula can fit someone else's economic formula ... ???
is this accurate ... ???
Annual income for you, assumes there is no economic resistance, to the economic formula ... ???