Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
All economic formulas are limited by the laws of physics ... ??? |
Econ-1 Economic ideas sparked from thousands of people
MaGenieMagic - Algebraic Economic Research
Mostly, While I was ( since year 2001 ) / am doing Balloon Art, I asked more than 50,000 people ...
if you had one idea to improve the Economy, What would it be ?
a percentage of stuff here is out of date, this is an old page
I ( Gene Bowdish ) worked on algebraic economic research since 2001 ( since 2001, for many reasons ... ) |
Your Mom or Dad or Son or Daughter could live longer with the knowledge given here … ???
Let the key words in this media lead you to more key words that you need
You will need to first ask each one @, if it will cost you anything to ask …
if it does cost you anything to ask, you may want to ask them
if there is an algebraic economic root based way for you to pay that will not be to stressful for you ... ?
( if they don't understand what that means, you and them will need to talk to me ( Gene Bowdish )to clarify ... )
@ By asking your doctor, asking hospitals, going to the library and doing your own research, asking the many different government agencies, asking your friends, etc., etc., etc.
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
what would say to do ???
what would say to do ???
what would _______________________________ say to do ???
if you do not learn algebraic economics, you could be out in the cold wet weather under a tree ... ???
Teacher: If you want to learn economics, go to the library ...
Teacher: Parents need to teach their children economics ....
1000's of ideas from 1000's of people ...
( Many People, who graduated from a Public School, Tech School, College, University, ...
do not know how to Read, Write, or do Math with anything to do with Customer Service ... ??? )
Look for these books at the Lacey Library
Let the key words in these books lead you to more books
economic hypothesis # 1
like a complex fraction, can be simplified
any economic system can be broken down to it's simplest components
it appears that any algebraic economic system, free market, socialist, communist, etc ...
any economic system, can be defined as to how people helps each other ... ???
apparently, in the United States we are free to have it all ... ???
if an economic system for some reason will not work for someone,
they are free to choose another one ... ???
but in order to be free to choose another one, you first have to study algebraic economics
limited by the laws of physics, or you will not even know another choice exists ... ???
or like a TV set, you can mix and match until you can get it to work ... ???
a lot of people use Jesus as an economic guide, only there is differences in what Jesus is all about
so you have many different style churches ... ???
economic hypothesis # 2
any economic system, free market, socialist, communist, etc ...
can be explained with root based and / or tax based economics ... ???
as the economy gets slower, and less products and services are traded ...
the economy is moving from root based to tax based economics ... ???
either by choice or the laws of physics are forcing it to happen ...
and can only be undone with a root based economic formula, assuming you can find one,
whether you are aware of it or not ... ??? if a resource is not renewable, you have no choice
but for it to be taxed based economics ... until you can find a way to renew it ... ???
( for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction ... ???
( taxed based economics has nothing to do with government, any more than addition does
only if government chooses to use it.
you can find taxed based economics in an economic system where there is no government ... ???
also, you can find root based economics in a government system ... ???
there is a big difference between a tithe and a tax,
a true tithe can always exist, a true tax can burn itself out ... ??? )
apparently, a tithe is lot like working union dues
the Union finds you work, they teach you how to work,
you do not pay a tithe unless you are working ... ???
when you pay dues to the union, even though you are not working
that is a tax ... ??? eventually you can run out of money ( stuff to trade with
( if you don't have anything to trade with, money is useless to you,
because money is just a tool for trading with ... ??? )) to pay if you are not working ... ???
a true tax will burn it self out, because you can no longer afford to pay the tax ... ???
one example of thousands: it is my understanding that Jesus showed people how to fish,
so well that they paid a tithe to the church which was easy to pay,
because they had so much fish for their families ... ???
economic hypothesis # 3
an economic definition(s) can change meaning from one moment to the next ...
making it difficult for people to communicate with each other without confusion ...
only many times the people are unaware of the confusion ... ???
( take economic dictionaries from different authors and compare the definitions,
you will see each dictionary from different authors is likely to have different definitions
for the same words ... ??? and what happens when the author changes views on a meaning ?
then in the next dictionary, of the same author, the meaning changes ... ??? )
economic hypothesis # 4
economic formulas can be applied to help save lives ... ???
what good is a medical theory(s) if you cannot find a way to make enough of it and or deliver it
or you cannot find enough people who are willing or able to help you save lives ... ???
this page is based on the Question, that I have asked more than 50,000 people:
" if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ? "
Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
Gene Bowdish, can a diabetic wait until they have the money to make a payment ?
Gene Bowdish, or is there a root based economic way to pay the bill for someone who has diabetes
So they do not have to choose between paying for their prescription or paying for the bill,
Is there a way to work for the bill through bill collector ... ???
( a diabetic may be spending a lot of time trying to keep from suffering by finding ways
To afford to pay for their prescription ... or trying to stay alive ... )
( if there was a way to pay the bill using a root based algebraic economic math model
then maybe the diabetic would not have to choose between paying for their prescription
or paying for the bill ... because they would be able to pay for both ... )
make a Christmas present for your friends and family ... ???
Homemade memory game with family photos on the front of the memory game in pairs
I just learned about this, it is my
understanding that they help Cancer Research, etc. ... donate your car working or not to ... ??? call to find out how it works ... ask a Certified Public Accountant how much it costs to find out how it works, and if you can get paid ... ??? |
There are many root based algebraic economic
ideas, which are limited by the laws of physics, to Hire a Teacher ... ???
it is not enough to follow the dollar to find out what is wrong with the dollar ... ???
you also have to follow the algebraic economic laws of physics ...
in order to pay off the national debt ...
Extreme Couponing |
An economic idea Algebraic Root based health insurance, can it work ... ??? A root based algebraic economic party Where you pay with your donated labor for a day a month No money comes out of your current budget Everyone who donated their labor is covered for a period of time ... Your friends and family can donate a day for you, if you are sick ... Your insurance would pay, in addition to your current insurance, Depending on how effectively people as a group donate their labor it would pay for preventive health care ... ??? it would pay for Medical ... ??? it would pay for dental ... ??? it would pay for Eye ... ??? it would pay for pharmacy ... ??? it would pay for Hospital ... ??? it would pay for your transportation to and from appointments ... ??? it would pay for teachers, to teach you medical information that you need ... ??? it would pay for naturopathy ... ??? it would pay for health food ... ??? it would pay for Veterinarian for your dog, your cat, your horse ... ??? because the idea is from a root based economics math formula, it does not matter how poor you are, it will still work for you ... ??? if you donated more time, it could also pay for an apartment for you and your family ... ??? |
What economic calculations are used to come up with these results ... ??? How can they be used to protect the United States, How can they be used to protect you ... ??? ... ??? |
if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ? what is your idea ?
Email: |
Econ_AAGS_Merry Christmas Jesus taught thousands of people how to help each other
Statistics, She studies what encourages students to be creative
if there is not a job to get, the only legal way to work is to get a business license and
work directly for customers ... ??? ( if you do not see your potential business here,
you need to call to find out what it is .... )
( using taxed based economics is the most expensive way to pay for a business license ... ??? )
if you still want a job, your only chance of getting a job is someone knowing how to
start a business, knows how to find enough customers, and knows how to hire you ... ???
I, Gene Bowdish, got this idea@ from studying Jesus
and how Jesus showed people how to get what they needed ...
and what thousands of people said about, ideas to improve how people help each other ...
you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor
( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )
how will you afford the Diet if you do not know how to trade ... ???
New Diet Targets the National Epidemic of Diabetes
Diabetes: What is pre-diabetes?
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Whooping Cough - Mayo Clinic
Look for these books at the Lacey Library
Let the key words in these books lead you to more books
if you do not know how to use a computer, ask a librarian what you can do to learn AADG Economics Education, Parent Recourses and Videos ??? Suggested by Teachers for Parents who have Children There are many tools available that parents can employ to guide their children to safe and rewarding online experiences. There are also many different types of tools that may fit your family's needs and values. There are a lot to choose from. Here are some tips for choosing the tool or tools that are right for your family. |
Winter Survival - Frost Bite
Winter Survival - Hypothermia
Christmas Kits for the Homeless
Safety videos from Labor and industries
Latex Allergies
( you may need to go to the library to view it ... ??? Lacey library )
Chapter 18.27 RCW Registration of contractors
RCW 18.27.010 Definitions.
Econ AAEZ the President says the problem is ... ???
Econ AAFA I am asking the President of the United States these questions ... ???
Econ AAEH Possible positive economics stuff ... ???
AAEG Possible negative economics stuff ... ???
Earth Quake, Haiti’s overrun clinics !!!
you may have to ask for permission
to see these pages, it is the Law ... ???!!!
AAEO are there only two kinds of economic models ???
AAEQ Tax information Work Shops
AAES what causes the national debt to go up or down ???
AAEV Emergency
First Aid Training
AAEX Algebraic Economic ideas to improve Health Care ?
AAEY if you cannot find a job,
your options are limited to earn a living; True or False ???
Econ AAFF External Web Site ideas to improve the economy ... ???
if you need to exercise to stay healthy ? you can get paid to exercise ?
Econ AAFF an algebraic economic idea to feed a whole city of people
( how People Help each other ) ???
ECON AADM - " Hello, This is Gene Bowdish Calling from lacey, WA, " in an attempt to save as many lives as possible ...
Gene Bowdish ( MaGenie Magic )
Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Licensed Since 1998
if you do not know how to use a computer, ask a librarian what you can do to learn AADG Economics Education, Parent Recourses and Videos ??? |
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idea for auto brakes or any auto repair problem ??? |
way to earn a bike and a way to earn money with your bike ??? ( Earn enough and maybe you can buy a Ford Truck or Van to put your bike in to go longer distances ??? ) |
Econ AAEY Childhood Obesity Economics Econ AAEY is a lack of Algebraic Economics Education the number one cause of illness in the United States ??? and if you don't learn Algebraic Economics, you or a loved one could die ??? |
Econ AAET if you had one idea to improve economy, what would it be ? includes ideas from the President of the United States
how can algebraic economics be used to find cures for diseases ???
Econ AAEC how can algebraic economics be used to treat diseases ??? |
apparently, a totally misunderstood word by thousands of people ... " Earn " |
AAAAA New Things We are Talking About |
Many People ask me: Why don't you own a Van or Truck ? answer: I simply do no have enough customers to afford a Van or Truck ... |
this economically, smart looking guy, is trying to explain why his city is so much more economically successful than your city may be, maybe in an attempt to economically help your city too ... ??? 2008 State of the City Economic Climate Webisode ( I am not sure why, but this YouTube link appears to be slow ... )
of course, the question is, can you understand his economic language ... ??? |
Clip Box Tops For Education | Doctor Says "you have to Economically choose Between" |
End the war with economic idea(s) for a treaty ... ??? |
many students appear to be taught at a early age, whining economics ... |
Econ AAEU Medical experts designed the Medical economy ???
Medical experts designed the Medical economy ???
you can afford to get proper medical care, if you have studied and are good at medical economics ??? your life, or the life of a loved one, can depend on how well you know medical economics ???
what's the scope and skill of your doctors job again, I am just economically curious ... ??? | I am the only one in the world with a vehicle like this one, is that possible? |
how do you tell the difference between root based economics and tax based economics something tells me it will not be easy to explain because there are people who are smart and can algebraically economically turn a tax based economic idea into a part root based economic idea in which one of these ideas would work better for a person with those skills ... ???
but it is my understanding that all of this is tax based economics ... ???
one litmus test for tax based economics might be: the more people help each other, the less you get ??? one litmus test for root based economics might be: the more people help each other, the more you get ???
( it is difficult to explain what that means too ... ??? )
when someone in government hires law enforcement constables to remove people economically affected from there homes because they cannot afford to pay for there mortgages, it is my understanding that this is the legal way in which it is done ???
Maybe how to best use this site, everything you read or watch, turn it into a question, ask an economic professor(s) and other important people you believe would be able to help, this page algebraically links to thousands of other pages ... ??? which links to thousands of other pages ... ??? hopefully you will learn as much or as little about economics as you like and or need ... ??? |
Econ AAAi Gene Bowdish ideology goal on algebraic economics
Gene Bowdish ideology goal on algebraic economics
I cannot guarantee any of these ideas will work,
my information comes from more than 50,000
people giving there algebraic economic ideas
in an attempt to help your families ... ???
there knowledge is limited by there economic experiences ... ???
in return, if you choose, all you would be asked to do is
give an idea to improve the economy ...
" if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ? "
I am a student of street / public economics
... depending on where I am, the way I understand it
I may not be legally allowed to tell you about
the business licenses I have because of soliciting laws ...
wind powered bicycle trailer I made, needs some improvements ...
the most important thing you can do is ... ask people ? if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ???. |
as a sergeant once said, "what we have here, is a failure to communicate!" |
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is it possible to Economically Algebraically |
What is algebraic economics education?
When you hear someone say economics, what do you think of?
Improving the economy = making it possible ( easier ) for people to algebraically economically help each other ??? |
few people agree on the definitions of economics ... ??? you can say an economic theory and a 100 people perceive a hundred different definitions and yet they believe each one understands the other but many times don't have a clue what the other person meant ... it's like each person is talking there own made up language ... ??? but the catch 22 is they believe they understand one another ... ??? |
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the algebraic economic power of the moon to clean the
planet ???
of course you would need to check the math to make sure it is correct … but here is the idea ... could equal 5,651 ---> 24,000 watt generators ??? |
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is there a way to earn a business economics degree using business economics??? |
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George Bush our United States president has somehow came up with a good idea, an economic stimulus package are you going to know what to do? |
Communication can be a problem, that Gene from Lacey and his ideas, Ahhhhhhhh 5/14/08 ... |
do you have proper economics education? How much money are you algebraically economically suppose to be making??? |
one way to possibly use algebraic economics to save the life of an animal ???
find a person who needs an animal to help them and the animal wants / needs to help the person ???
Econ AADQ if you could start your own business what would it be ?
the Economy hits double digit unemployment ... ???
( WARNING / BENIFIT,,id=146331,00.html )
( WARNING / BENIFIT Econ AAEQ Tax information Work Shops )
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![]() there is answers in this book that you may need???, but the way I understand it I cannot legally tell you what it is???, Unless you ask me what it is ??? you any good at mind reading ??? lol |
improving the economy from the root!? you may need to first find ways to improve the economy in order for these books to work??? Last time I checked ... Reference USA 1,333,752 work from home companies, Listed with the U.S. Department of Labor???, go see it at the Lacey library |
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pay attention to the part about algebraic economic
bartering ??? ( solar cells, etc. ) ( caution ) |
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Algebraic Economics and Medicine, Medical, Prescriptions, Nutrition, Exercise, some People and Doctors just don't economically understand it??? these books need an algebraic economic cook book to go with them??? or you may not even be able to use it correctly ??? even if your lives depend on it??? authors didn't even think about economics as being important, or what??? "Having trouble following your diabetes diet?" ( Algebraic Economic Barrier? ) "Barrier: Healthy foods are expensive." |
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does it cost money or cost time to algebraically economically get something you need or want ??? |
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if you can find a legal way to communicate with people about your product or service, then none of this applies to you, until it does |
If you don't have the money to get what you need,
Maybe you can trade things you know how to do for
things you need ???
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tax payers pay the police to protect and serve, if citizens choose, the Police Department should be legally allowed to help citizens with economics, through algebraic economics education ... |
Econ AAFD Oil Spill fix ideas ??? if you had one idea to fix an oil spill accident, what would it be ? if you had one idea to fix an oil spill caused by an earthquake ( or other natural event ), what would it be ? remember, even a stupid idea can lead to a smart one ... ??? |
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in an economically educated world, can it happen??? Earn money on the way to work and on the way home earn money doing what you like to do best ???
Earn money at the doctors office, earn money at the store??? earn money at the library, earn money at college??? never be poor again??? |
Econ AACP they expect to get eggs without chickens to lay the eggs.htm
Econ AACT many economic challenges yet to be solved ... ???
If you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be?
your opinion / idea can be by it self or combined with others,
could help the lives of one or millions ... ???
Peoples Lives are very important to me ( or I would not even be doing this ... )
( can you name one thing
you do every day that is not impacted by the economy around you ??? )
I sent a Letter to the United States President 4/20/06
improving the economy from the root = @* ???
free Merry Christmas and New Years card
I made a cake ...
What is your most favorite thing that will happen
today ? those memories can last a life time, if there is anything you can take with you, it is memories ... |
How do you find out what is important to people ? |
How do you find out what people need ? |
What does Market Share mean ? |
What does living with in your means mean ? |
MaGenie Magic ( Gene Bowdish ) I asked more than 50,000 people ... "if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be?" as a result ... I have no way to guarantee that these ideas will work for you, in fact 10 people may have told 10 people and so on so you may hear many ideas from many people in which you again will have to choose if it is right for you ... after all, they are just ideas, the alternative would be no ideas at all ... name something you didn't learn from someone else, in that way you are a genius, everything else you learned was a result of economics ( people helping each other ) ( for Personal Algebraic Economics Education, you may need to see a Doctor of Economics, Good Luck Finding one ... , However you are always welcome to look here??? ) |
Practice drills at school, at home, at work, ... 3 days 3 ways ...
... 3 Days, 3 Ways, Are You Ready? a public motivation campaign urging you, your family, and the community to prepare for emergencies and disasters. 3 Days, 3 Ways is more than a campaign; it's a message relying on the participation and action steps each of us takes today. The message is simple, be ready to survive on your own for a minimum of 3 Days following a disaster. For large disasters, you may not receive any government assistance for up to 7 Days. ( or more ... )
Everyone in the United States ? As a whole has the right to decide by vote (s) ? If they want a country with algebraically economically to afford algebraic economic freedom or not ??? … Of course the problem is, how does anyone know what or who to vote for if true economics education is unavailable to the average United States citizen ??? The politician that can talk, blah, blah, blah; the best will win ???
The way I understand it, Theoretically, Improving the economy ( making it easier for people to help each other ) would make it easier for Hospitals and Doctors to algebraically economically afford to help Adults, Children, Babies, infants, and all sorts of animal life on planet earth in need ??? Churches to get to algebraically economically afford to get funds and or resources they need to help people with ??? Charitable organizations to algebraically economically afford to get funds and or resources they need to help people with ??? Political parties to algebraically economically afford to express their ideas to help the city, county, state, federal government and its citizens … ??? Educational system (s) to algebraically economically afford teach students or would be students, algebraic business economics related to, doctors, surgeons, naturopaths, psychologists, auto mechanics, electricians, plumbers, attorneys, safety systems, police, FBI, military, CIA, cities, counties, states, federal entities, teachers, professors, universities, department of social and health services … , business owners, people who have or want jobs, food stamp systems, food donation systems, food safety systems, for adults, children, babies, infants, and all sorts of animals, and animal life on planet earth, etc, etc. etc. … ??? Community service organizations to algebraically economically afford help adults, children, babies, infants, and all sorts of life on planet earth ??? Daily or weekly news publications help all forms of media to algebraically economically afford to communicate what they want to communicate to the people who algebraically economically want to afford the communication ??? For people to algebraically economically afford to understand the United States constitution, and why it was implemented and why the United States was formed in the first place … ??? Would help all forms of government to understand the algebraic economic mistakes they are making that keeps people, adults, children, babies, infants and all sorts of animal life on planet earth from help each other … ??? Would help all forms of government to understand the algebraic economic benefits they are making that helps people, adults, children, babies, infants and all sorts of animal life on planet earth to help each other … ??? Would help anyone get a house, apartment, ( place to live that they like ) and be able to algebraically economically afford maintenance costs, food, clothing, ??? And that’s just the beginning of algebraic economics education … I haven’t even began to mention everything in the Yellow Pages of the average phone book …
I was able to ride this to the Thurston County transfer station by bicycle and two 6 foot trailers ( I made the 6 foot long trailers ... the wheels are everything, it requires good brakes, and other laws a physics apply ... ) ( using there weigh scale designed for cars and trucks ) 740 pounds total weight, about 14 miles round trip, ( weighed less coming back empty ) ( if you had a two seater bicycle, would that allow for 1400 pounds to pull ??? ) 5 friends could donate something you need for taking there recycle in to the recycle center possible problems ? possible benefits ? maybe not much pay ? get paid to exercise ? you could easily get hurt badly Doctor says you need excersie if you do not know how to for your medical condition ? cycle like this ? or else ???!!! average top speed of level concrete maybe you 15 miles an hour, slow ? do not need to travel far ? ( approx. two hours to get there ( less than one hour coming back approx. 3.5 mph average ) approx 8 mph average ) bus will not let you on ?!, so you could time share vehicle costs with several you would need a truck / car trailer people to get to long distance destinations ??? ![]() ![]() |
do these books work ???
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Friend ), what are you going to get me for Christmas
? you have no money, what could you possibly give me for Christmas that I could use ? Free hour of Labor ... ? Friend ), I could use some of that ... |
I am looking for bicycle parts, new, used, junk, that you would like to donate
I am looking for storage shed parts, like 2x6s and plywood etc. that you would like to donate, maybe you are tearing down a house to build a new one or something
I am looking for energy related items you would like to donate to build "alternative energy cubes", like solar cells, electric motors and generators, gears, pulleys, bicycle parts, etc.
I am looking for computer related items you would like to donate because I do not understand how to economically deal with things like monitors ( cathode ray tubes ), I cannot accept them yet
If I get to much stuff, I need a place to work with this stuff ... |
the number one cause of poverty in any economic
in any part of the world is ... ??? is it because people and or groups of people do not know how to help each other ??? ... they do not know how to work together ??? |
Econ AABV the reason why the links that you want to know about are not on the main page |
Econ AABW 103108 if you see errors on the site it may be because |
Economics algebraic laws of physics affects everyone !?!?!?! Economic news ... postpone eating any products that may contain peanut butter ... Nationwide salmonella outbreak has killed 6 people, sickened hundreds of people news appearing in Don't eat peanut butter, FDA official warns Nationwide salmonella outbreak has killed 6, sickened hundreds news services updated 4:51 p.m. PT, Sat., Jan. 17, 2009 WASHINGTON - Federal health authorities on Saturday urged
consumers to avoid eating cookies, cakes, ice cream and other foods that contain
peanut butter until authorities can learn more about a deadly outbreak of
salmonella contamination. "We urge consumers to postpone eating any products that may
contain peanut butter until additional information becomes available," said
Stephen Sundlof, head of the Food and Drug Administration's food safety center. But most peanut butter sold in jars at supermarkets appears to be safe, Sundlof said. |
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I have a difficult time explaining this sometimes, so you can understand,
but here goes anyway ...
unless you already know how
you may need to ask for permission to see the other pages ... ???
what you need to know to get to the other pages is behind each economic lock ... ???
in the real world, there are thousands of economic locks ... ???
in comprehending the law, it is my understanding that,
almost anyone, but the person who owns the locks is allowed to tell you how to get in ... ???
assuming they know and they are willing to tell you
the combination of numbers and letters ... ???
searching the Library
reading the city, county, state, and or federal laws,
may give you the combination you are looking for ... ???
asking Friends, People you know, may be able to tell you how to get in ... ???
Government Leaders, etc. etc. may be able to tell you how,
but, sometimes, they are not allowed to tell you, unless you already know how ... ???
in me trying to understand the law, it is my best guess,
that the law is designed to protect you ... ???
However, catch 22, if you don't know the information with in these pages
you could miss out, suffer, go to jail, become ill, or even die .
just one example of thousands: if a group of people could understand
and use some algebraic economic ideas given by people in here,
then they may be able to find an algebraic economic way
to upgrade there fire department,
getting life saving tools, equipment, and training ... ???
when and if the fire department comes to save your life, what they were
able to find out about what is behind the economic locks may hinge on
weather they have the skills to save your life or not ... ???
what you would be able to learn could make the difference between
weather a fireman lives or not ... ???
Many times people talk about algebraic economics related topics
without even knowing they are
Libraries create success idea to help improve the economy ... ???
First you may need to learn how to read write and do math
so you can understand what other people tell you about
algebraic economics,
many times people talk about algebraic economics related topics
without even knowing they are
Using books in the library, if there is not a book or audio CD or DVD or intranet or internet
resource you need in the library, then I believe your options are ,
ask a librarian to order a book, assuming there is enough tax money
to buy the algebraically economically related books, etc.
DVD Libraries create success call number 021 LIBRARIE 2005
“We are looking at libraries as part of the education budget, part of the education system.
So, um, and we prioritize education as the number priority”
Via E-Mail
Via Phone You may call 800-441-8273 or 410-887-2090
to speak with a company representative,
between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
Via Fax You may fax us at 410-887-2091.
Via Mail LVN 320 York Road Towson, MD 21204
I sent the Email
From: Gene Bowdish [ ]
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 12:40 PM
To:; ''
Subject: Do you have "root based algebraic economics
as defined by the laws of physics" related videos ?
Do you have “root based algebraic economics as defined by the laws of physics” related videos ?
Laws of physics = natural laws observed on earth by scientists of all fields
Do you have the text for this video ?
DVD Libraries create success call number 021 LIBRARIE 2005
a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...