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Econ AAAY the truth is any government program is paid for by tax payers and apparently controlled by government
the way I understand it it is said that this government program or that government program will be paid for by government the truth is any government program is paid for by tax payers and apparently controlled by government, and a government worker algebraically economically in a perfect world works for you, to help you solve any problem that you have, within there skill level ... all taxes paid to the government are paid for by all the people the way taxes are paid, is a tax payer pays directly to the government and or taxes are paid through business costs and or taxes are algebraically economically paid the amount of taxes paid by a tax payer is also an algebraic economic answer, I believe you would need to understand algebra and the laws of physics to get a close answer to this question, the answer could change several times in a year, in a month, in a day, even in a minute, so to have an accurate answer, the answer would need to updated every billionth of a second, of course that presents a problem, all the people I know can't think that fast, so when people are dealing with numbers that act this fast, how do they tackle the problem ??? you might want to start by asking a doctor of computers ? and anything where people work at factories who deal with numbers that move at those speeds ? Taxes, spread the wealth around idea of a presidential candidate how does it work??? take money from some who earn a high wage and give to those who earn a low wage ??? is that improving the economy from the root ??? or is it economic efficiency??? and if it is economic efficiency, what percent of economic efficiency ??? would the government worker be getting paid to solve economic problems or be getting paid for some other reason ??? ( if you don't know or understand economics, how in the world are you going to know which economic plan to vote for ??? that's right, the candidate you are voting for tells you the economic plan, you the voter algebraically decides which plan is implemented ???!!! so if you think you don't need to know or understand economics, think again ... ) is it possible to see by turning a liquid invisible economic state into a easier to see visible economic state ??? maybe you could say that the government would take a percent of gas / diesel from the rich and give to the poor ... ( you could change gas to food or rent or mortgage or health care or what ever it is you need in an every day life ) ( ask an algebra expert how the equation would look, and what the results of algebraic business economics would look like ... tell the algebra expert you want it explained in on a 3rd grade level so it would be easy to explain to most anyone ... ( I have seen a math professor who was able to take the most apparently complex scientific buttons on a calculator and show how it worked with +, -, /, *, variables like A B C etc. and statistics long hand math )) apply the math problem in excel format or apply the math problem on an old basic language like what is on a old commodore 64 and see if you can get it to work in a real life simulation ... examples A @* B @* C = percent economic forecast of new roads for us to use ... A @* B @* C = percent economic forecast of encourages dead end economics ... A @* B @* C = percent economic forecast of encourages economic growth ... ( @* = algebra experts explanation of a working formula )