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Econ AABJ I feel our biggest problem with economics education right now is the economics dictionary
I feel our biggest problem with economics education
right now is the economics dictionary you need to put on a screen or board or something the definitions to the economics words you are using at any economics communications event ... ??? I thought you had a legal right to an Interpreters and Translators for any government required something or other where the consequences could be huge ... ??? http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos175.htm ??? the way I understand it, an economics encyclopedia is apparently useless with out an economics dictionary to go with the economics encyclopedia, and then you need to convert definitions from one encyclopedia to another encyclopedia ( you would need a translator like on star trek, only I have not seen that technology available yet ) the closest thing to that I have seen is " Language Tools " but if there were 5 Chinese languages ( called different dialects ? ) it could get confusing I think ... even if you had a translator, which economics capitol dictionary definitions goes with which economics encyclopedias, when you read the economics encyclopedia at the presidential debates to try to get a point across to the public you serve, maybe you might as well be saying blahh blahh blahh ba bahhh ... I listen on the radio and so many people has a different definition for capitol ... because of the way different people were programmed by different types of economics dictionaries, if I said the word green and a thousand people heard it, but in there mind, one person saw yellow, and the other person saw red, and the other person saw blue, and the other person saw orange, etc... because the economics dictionaries in different libraries had different definitions for the same words ... that would be a great magic trick illusion show, show 3 assistants from an audience different colors but the audience sees even a different color, and well you know how the fun could go ... there is a comedy economics video I saw, through out the whole economics learning presentation called " Chicken chicken chicken " ( as he moved and pointed to economics charts and paragraphs all you saw and heard was the words chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, - chicken ... are there any questions, a audience member played along ... chicken chicken, chicken chicken ... ( ??? maybe the comedians figured this out a long time ago, but because you could not afford any economics entertainment you were left out of the circle ??? )" Chicken chicken chicken " there is only one thing I can think of to start tackling this problem, you would need to find 10,000 + people to help you, each person would go to a different library, book store, or other resource and get economics definitions from a different economics dictionary, then compare definitions and then go to your government and explain the problem and see if they have a solution or you could listen to the presidential debate as it is and think you know what they are saying but the chances are you don't really know only you don't know that you don't know that you don't know ... woops brain fart ... |