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Econ AABP some people confuse me who are suppose to understand economics
some people confuse me who are suppose to understand
economics ... well I listen on the radio and at least some of them claim they understand economics enough so that they feel they are obligated to tell you how to economically live your lives ... do you have a masters in economics? ... how can you even understand what they are saying ? ... I listen to medical professionals and at least some of them feel they have enough understanding about economics to tell you how to live your lives ? ... when you don't understand what the medical professionals are economically talking about it is your fault, you are obviously to stupid to understand how to get a job or keep a budget ? ... wait a minute, who is the doctor again ? ... oh yea, right, specialties, they are not a doctor of economics, but wait, why then are they jumping your case when you cannot afford to pay the medical bill ? ... if you have no one to send them to, then send them my way ... ??? a little economic history??? 1. doctor, " I cannot help you because I have no way to get the tools I need to help you with " 2. doctor, " we have medical insurance, anything you need that I know who to do, I can help you with " 3. doctor, " to many people, not enough doctors, we need to only allow people who really need a doctor to come in, we will use an economics formula to restrict the amount of people who will want to come in to people who really need to come in $10 dollar co pay, $20 dollar co pay, $50 dollar co pay, $100 dollar co pay, $164 dollar co pay, that's not covered! ... Gene, "you charge people, patients, with bill during and or after you treat them. I can understand that. it is possible that there is no other way to treat your patients with medical care... but wait with out an algebraic economics class associated with the diagnosis ?! how many people are you not able to help now? did you even understand the question ? maybe you will understand this ? maybe you charge your patient a bill, but, then they choose to buy less nutritious food, then they get sick because they ate some of the affected peanut butter you gave them in the hospital visit, because you have an economic contract to buy from the factory affected with the 6 deaths that just occurred and hundreds sick somehow I believe you have missed the people you economically told are not allowed to see a doctor!!! well anyway they eat the affected food, get sick, go see the doctor if they can, and then you charge them for that too ??? did anybody economically catch what I said ... your teachers I have talked to say economics education is not important ??? ask your teacher and find out ... remember the medical professionals algebraically economically sets the laws teachers teach ... ??? " catch 22, government sets the laws of doctors are allowed to do or teach ... ??? another apparent catch 22, which came first, the chicken or the egg ??? some people say if you learn economics, it can put your life or the life of a loved one at risk ... ??? if you don't learn economics, you or a loved one could as a result get sick or die, or in this case hundreds of people could get sick or die and you may not even understand why it happened if you don't understand economics ... ??? I am getting the idea the reasons for these problems is because of the lack of understanding of what money truly represents back to the radio money doesn't work because it is not backed by gold last time I checked you can buy gold with it, then when the gold is in your house, you become a target don't you ... ??? once you have purchased gold, then it is my understand that it is a universal money with the world, assuming the people in the country you want to trade with believes gold it important ... if they don't understand that part of economics then maybe food clothes and housing would become your money to trade with ... ??? you ever saw the movie "gone with the wind" davit O Selznick's production of Margaret Mitchell's or this one ![]() or this one ![]() |