a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


new page

Econ AABV the reason why the links that you want to know about are not on the main page


the reason why the links that you want to know about are not on the

 main page http://www.MaGenieMagic.com/ 

is because of soliciting laws ??!! ( it is just easier )


in some circumstances if I help your family,

you may not be allowed to help our family, it is the law ???!!!


of course unless you know how to read minds

or you already know the law, then it could be ok,

depending on how algebraically economically smart you are ???


these laws also could apply to you depending on economic algebra ... ???

ask you local city business licensing for details ... ???


you can buy cake from anyone and tell anyone

but if you bake a cake,

you may not legally be allowed to tell anyone

if they can help you in return ???

ask your local City Hall for details ... ???



