a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
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Econ AABi economics efficiency is it all it is cracked up to be
apparently government believes in economics professor
(s) ideas and implementing there algebraic economics formulas ... ??? supposedly after you have algebraically collectively have voted in the algebraic economic formula ... ??? conserving resources of a limited supply so you may not have much but at least you have some ... , I wonder how they do that ... ??? ( are the resources small because there is little available or because they accidently or on purpose, depending on how you look at it, have algebraically economically built and designed an algebraic economic system where there is less people who's job it is to find ways to invent algebraic economic systems that build an abundant supply of resources ... ??? ) conserving resources of a limited supply so you may not have much but at least you have some ... , I wonder how they do that ... ??? maybe by using an algebraically economically psychologically mentally programmed and or using the laws of physics some you can readily see and some that is not so easy to see happening ... ??? called supply and demand ... ??? maybe by choking the money supply, which in turn chokes the market, making it harder to buy and sell foods, goods, and services ... which in turn cuts back on orders from United States factories, which asks for less orders from raw materials ( less orders for taking something from the ground making some sort of value out of it and trading it with someone else who needed something ), they may have thought it would somehow cut back on foreign factories as well but some how that's not happening, is it ... ??? maybe by using algebraic economic formulas and getting teachers to teach students some of which the teachers understand and some they don't or cannot readily see some of them if you were able to see it, the dollar goes, goes, goes, ... , and then stops or crashes or falls into an imaginary black whole ( which is the only way I know how to explain something not so easy to see how it happens ) ... ??? called dead end economics ( cuts a hole in, and or makes a break in, and or chokes the economic circle ... ??? ) maybe by making it against policy or against the law to teach in a public school or in a public place like a park certain economics systems that make it possible for citizens to more easily afford to purchase foods, goods and services ... ??? maybe by someone like a talk show host on a radio program or TV, making it sound like a person who is charging you a penny but making 50,000 or 90,000 or 200,000 dollars a year is ripping you off when actually he is only charging you a penny for a service you need ... ??? some people are smart enough to make this kind of money and pay you a penny, but because someone sees the pay scale automatically assumes you are being ripped off, even though you are being paid for getting the service ... ??? most people who talk like this do not understand economics well enough to even understand how he algebraically economically does this little lone understanding the complaint the someone is making ... ??? all of these algebraic economic formula conserving ideas may in some or many ways be a good idea, but there is always the but isn't there ??? the algebraic economic systems also cut back on resources that I would have thought would be more plentiful ... ??? why would we need to cut back on teachers ??? to make more stupid people ... ??? that will help people conserve resources, if they know how to do it the stone age way, get a clue ... ??? why would we need to cut back on Labor and Industries programs to teach people how to be more safe in the work place ... ??? why would we need to cut bank on cooks, restaurants, motels and hotels ... ??? why would we need to cut back on doctors ... ??? why would we need to cut back on veterinarians for animals and pets ... ??? why would we need to cut back on theaters and entertainment ... ??? why in the world would we need to cut back on people helping each other solve problems ... ??? how are these economics ideas being picked and used in government systems which control or restricts how people help each other ... ??? and or a terrorist plot to kick the United States Ass ( example - September 11, 2001 - 911 killing all those people who worked in the world trade centers ... ??? ) ... ??? |