a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

Econ AACA The Federal Reserve cash flow and how it algebraically economically it works ???


The Federal Reserve cash flow and how it algebraically economically it works ???


This is a collection of a few people, so it may be difficult for me to say who said what ???

But the message may be important to you so, here goes ???

Algebraically economically earning money from the federal reserve, not a loan in the end, but owning the money free and clear, and then you can spend it or what ever you algebraically economically legally want to do with it … ???



Warning, there is a conspiracy theory … ??? ( there is no way to prove if it is true or false ??? in the minds of the people who algebraically economically believe this ???, so they are somewhat afraid of government workers .. ??? ) by at least one person I met ??? ...



The United States Mint algebraically economically prints coins ??? ( and sells them to the Federal Reserve ??? ) and the coins have currency value backed by the United States federal government and real value, the algebraic economic value of the metals them selves, if the economic system was to fail, the pennies would be algebraically economically worth much more than paper money ???



The United States Treasury algebraically economically prints the paper money and sells it to the federal reserve for 2 cents a bill ???



The federal reserve consists of 12 federal banks ( 12 private investors ) ???

Each Federal Reserve Bank has board consisting of certain people whose job it is to algebraically economically distribute the money into the United States and world algebraic economic markets ???

When the people receive this money ( each person, depending on algebraic economic circumstances ) it appears as though it is either algebraically economically loaned to them in which they need to find a way to earn more money than they received to pay it back, plus interest and penalties and what ever else … ???

When you look at it line by line, it seems simple, but if you try to understand the whole algebraic economic ladder effect of the currency loaned, earned and paid back it is not so easy to see how it works … ???

The other way to algebraically economically receive the money from the federal reserve would be to earn the money and or trade for the money, in which case it is yours free an clear, and you can use it to earn even more money, of course until you spend it all back into the market, if you received something of value when you spent it, then you still have some options to earn more money … ???


