a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


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Econ AADD paying taxes with eggs or widgets

Econ AADD paying taxes with eggs or widgets

( more likely transferring wealth from the poor to the poor ... ??? if you don't understand that, then maybe you could find an algebra teacher to show you percentages of distribution ... ??? of course many of our leaders never had an economics class in which case good luck finding someone to explain it to you ... ??? )


1.99 for 12 eggs      
 $    1.99 dozen eggs 1.99 12 eggs    
12  = dozen   100 eggs    
      8.333333333 dozen    
0.1658 cents per egg    $                               1.99      
       $                             16.58 = 100 eggs
100 eggs          
 $ 16.58 for a hundred eggs          
30 percent =  $ 4.98 you would pay tax to the government      
  then the government buys   $ 4.98 worth of eggs or      
    30 eggs would be your tax      

 but some people say there is no tax on food ... ???

ok you make a 100 widgets and you pay 30 widgets to the government, they sell the widgets and buy eggs ... ???

it is more like this you sell the 30 widgets and pay $4.98 to the government then they buy $4.98 worth of eggs or 30 eggs

well you are not suppose to have a hundred widgets say some people in power then you have 10 widgets, sell 10 and give three widgets worth of money to the government in taxes or

1.99 for 12 eggs      
 $    1.99 dozen eggs 1.99 12 eggs    
12  = dozen   10 eggs    
      0.833333333 dozen    
0.1658 cents per egg    $                               1.99      
       $                               1.66 = 10 eggs
10 eggs          
 $    1.66 for a hundred eggs          
30 percent =  $ 0.50 you would pay tax to the government      
  then the government buys   $ 0.50 worth of eggs or      
    3 eggs would be your tax      




