a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


Econ AADF idea to get your brakes fixed or any auto repair problem on your car at the auto shop ???

( -x + ( y + ( a * b ))) = bill owed ) ... ???

where ( -x = brakes or tune up … auto shop bill, etc. ... ???

y = a * b ... ???

a = the amount of people you help in an hour ... ???

b = the amount of money each person you helped is willing to pay you ... ???


( this could be for any auto repair 

assuming physics would allow it to happen,

it is just that it seems easier for me to use brakes as an example )



when you need to see an automechnic, and you need your brakes fixed, 

should you have to pay or get paid by earning your auto repair?


If you have a good paying Job, it may be easy to pay ...

that will work assuming

there is no economically challenged people

since I know this not to be the case

if your expenses are greater than your income, how can you pay?


 my idea, 

( I combined many of the ideas,

after I asked more than 50,000 people

"if you had one idea to improve the economy, 

what would it be?"

you would think you would have the right to know

this stuff  ),


earn your auto repair

work for someone else 

( a third party company? 

anywhere in the world? 

from where you are?

the technology is here )

while at the auto shop ???


here some ideas to help you, telephone numbers, addressed, and web sites and some ideas from Lynie Arden

see if it is at the Lacey, Library


or you could look at a book store


work from home or from anywhere legal to work source book


why do automechnics not economically think like this?

good question


they would no longer have to turn away poor people who are willing to help other people solve a problem ???

and send them away with at risk brakes ???

see why true economics education has the potential to save lives



assuming you fully understand economics:

if you have a auto issue, you can get help from an automechanic

if you have a legal issue you get help from an attorney

if you have a food issue you can go to a grocery store

if you have a housing issue you can go to a realtor

if you don't understand algebraic economics and have an economics issue, where can you go???




see if it is at the Lacey, Library




Or a Book store



Reference USA 1,333,752 work from home companies

go see it at the Lacey library



( if you were able to help a hundred people an hour while you were at the auto shop office?

 ( and the people you were helping while there waiting in line ) paid you a dollar an hour that would be $ 1 dollar an hour times a hundred people you helped in an hour would equal $ 100 dollars an hour ... ??? the economics algebra would be ( - $100 dollars auto shop bill + one hundred people you helped for an hour web based, phone based, fax based, etc. = $ 0 dollar auto shop bill you owe ) ... ???


( -x + y = bill owed ) ... ???


-x = brakes or tune up … auto shop bill, etc. ... ???

y = a * b ... ???

a = the amount of people you help in an hour ... ???

b = the amount of money each person you helped is willing to pay you ... ???




