a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


new page

Econ AADJ teacher teaching teachers to teach students ...


If you had one idea to improve the economy what would it be?


     Gene: What do you take at the college ?  


 well dressed, looks like studying well is a high goal, very smart looking Person :   teacher, I am studying to be a teacher, I will be able to teach anywhere in Washington state ... it is a two year college course … the cost of the course is ...


Gene: a teacher can learn everything they need to teach with,  in just two years ... ?


Person: well you can go for a higher degree ...


 Gene: If you had one idea to improve the economy what would it be ?


Person: Student loan forgiveness  


Gene: So the teachers who teach you to be a teacher don't get paid ?


  Person: teachers still get paid  


Gene: How ?  


Person: no answer …  


Gene: I have an idea where you could teach a hundred people something they need to learn and in turn your student loan could possibly paid in one day and there class well be paid for as well, are you interested in the information


Person: no, I got a grant, I do not owe a student loan …  


 Gene: what about your friends who owe a student loan ?  


 Person: no answer …      




If you had one idea to improve the economy what would it be?


     you ask: What do you take at the college ?  


 Person   AA , I am studying to be a  AA , I will be able to    AA  anywhere in Washington state ... it is a  #  year college course … the cost of the course is ...


you: a   AA  can learn everything they need to   AA  with,  in just   #  years ... ?


Person: well you can go for a higher degree ...


 you: If you had one idea to improve the economy what would it be ?


Person: Student loan forgiveness  


you: So the teachers who teach you to be a AA  don't get paid ?


  Person: teachers still get paid  


you: How ?  


Person: no answer …  


you: I have an idea where you could teach a hundred people something they need to learn and in turn your student loan could possibly paid in x number of days and there class well be paid for as well, are you interested in the information


Person: no, I got a grant, I do not owe a student loan …  


 you: what about your friends who owe a student loan ?  


 Person: no answer …      



other possible scenarios ... ???

AA = teacher        # = number of years

AA = doctor       # = number of years

AA = any profession       # = number of years



