a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
ECON AADM - " Hello, This is Gene Bowdish Calling from lacey, WA, "
in an attempt to save as many lives as possible
by giving people an algebraic economic choice ...
do you have any work from home
or work from anywhere it is legal to work from, jobs available ?
ask your doctor first ...
if you can't afford physical therapy,
maybe you can get paid for physical therapy ... ???
if you can't afford dental work on your mouth,
maybe you can get paid by the dentist, to pay the dentist,
to get dental work done on your mouth ... ???
... many medical conditions etc. etc. etc. ... ???
Hello, This is Gene Bowdish Calling from lacey, WA,
in an attempt to save as many lives as possible by giving people a choice ...
do you have any work from home
or work from anywhere it is legal to work from, jobs available ?
if you can't afford physical therapy,
maybe you can get paid for physical therapy ... ???
for a lack of better words ...
I got hit by a car and a truck ... both on a crosswalk of all places ...
the driver in the car said, I didn't see you ... I am still trying to figure that one out ...
the truck driver was a hit and run ...
the Washington State police are looking for him ...
I have a back injury so the bicycle is kind of like my wheel chair ...
yes, it can help you a great deal, but there is a catch 22 ...
heath injury warning, ask your doctor first ... !!!
ideas to work from anywhere it is legal to work from, web based, fax based, phone based, UPS based, US mail based, etc. etc. etc.
if you have an idea please let me know ... Email: MaGenieMagicJob@msn.com
Econ AADM Idea for Diabetics or any medical condition ... ???
Get paid for physical therapy and or things you need to know or learn ... ???
ask a doctor what you need:
answer might be :
physical therapy = this location _____,
costs this much ______,
current economic formula for thousands+ of families, if you have health insurance, chances are it may not pay all of the costs, or it may not pay at all ... ???
even a co pay may take monies away from a family who was wanting to go out to eat, entertainment, etc. ( people who work in the entertainment field get laid off, and lose there health insurance they had ... ??? ) may take away a previous budget for 100% nutrition, make it colder in there house, use less water for hygiene, not be able to go see family as often, etc. etc. etc. ... ???
may turn into debt collections ( I asked a debt collector for a medical professionals office, " is there a way to earn that bill ? "
answer usually is ... no, but we are allowed to sue you for non payment, plus attorneys fees ... we have many bills in here from thousands of people for $5 dollars each ...
I asked, you sue people for $5 dollars, when you could give those people a choice by giving them a way to earn paying off the bill ...
answer usually is ... we cannot do that ... or you are difficult to work with ...
Gene Bowdish, it is my understanding, improving the economy algebraically economically prevents disease ... )