a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


new page

Econ AADQ if you could start your own business what would it be ?




if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?


if you could start a business of your own, what would it be ?


many peoples responses

" I can't afford to start a business, I don't have the money "


lets assume you did not have to worry about that,


if you could start your own business, what would it be ?


( ironically, I may not be legally allowed to tell you the answers people said,

because of government regulations ... ???

you would have to ask me, or anyone, in person ...

it has to be your action ... ??? ( somewhat legal mobo jumbo ... ??? )

ask your business licensing department in your city,

( maybe city hall ),  if they know of

 such a law, and how it works for you ... ??? )




the Economy hits double digit unemployment ... ???


at least one police department has started a 24 / 7 food bank ...
to the best of my knowledge, it is donated food ... ???

if you are starving, the idea may save your life ... ?

if the police dept gives economics education with that ... ???

grocery stores will have a better chance at succeeding in business ... ???


