a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


Econ AAEY is a lack of Algebraic Economics Education

the number one cause of illness in the United States ???

and if you don't learn Algebraic Economics, you or a loved one could die ???


( there is not way I can guarantee any of these ideas will work

I got the ideas as a result of asking thousands of people

"if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?" )


however it is possible that it could make the difference in your child's health

and the difference of your family staying together or the government

splitting your family up because you are economically challenged ... ???


an example ... ???



Childhood Obesity Economics


Econ AAEY is a lack of Algebraic Economics Education

the number one cause of illness in the United States ???

and if you don't learn Algebraic Economics, you or a loved one could die ???



pay attention, they appear to assume that you have

already had the economics education to afford there nutrition programs ???


many of them appear to assume that you are just choosing

to be algebraically economically nutritionally stupid ... ???


can you find any links to an economics resource where you can find ways to afford

the nutrition program any of these people say will work for your family ... ???




the Childhood Obesity issues as seen by these people ???


Is Obesity Child Abuse? by CNN ???



Childhood Obesity ( can lead to an early death )



Children's Nutrition (Part 1)



Children's Nutrition (Part 2)





Economic ideas from many people to attempt to solve Childhood Obesity ???


Choose One Nutrition Education (PART #1)



Choose One Nutrition Education (Part #2)



Why are school lunches so bad?



Healing Quest: Healthy School Lunches



exercise education



Medical Professionals Economic ideas must be ... ???


apparent Medical Professionals
Economic standard plan must be
upon observation of what
Medical Professionals
economically choose to do ... ???
a possible alternative
Algebraic Economic plan ... ???

assuming you can find a qualified
doctor of algebraic economics
to help you ... ???
Because the parents are economically
challenged / algebraically poor
( what happens when
the government is the
 in part or sole cause of
the parents economic challenge ??? )
Put Child in Tax paid for ???
DSHS government
overseen foster care ???
and parent pays child support ???
and parent gets limited
visitation ???

I don't see how the
economically challenged parents
would get quality nutrition training
or proper nutrition tools and supplies

so does that mean the
child would stay in foster care ???

Barter for Daycare idea ???
Trust would seem to be
the major obstacle
( if you can't trust the
Police, Firemen, nurses,
political leaders,
Doctors, Medical professionals,
Red Cross people, etc.
who can you trust ... ??? )

Barter for special Restaurant services ???

work for a third party company
in at the restaurant for an hour or two ?,
the company pays
the Restaurant for the special meal
a company which you are working
for could be chosen specially so
that while you are working
you learn the nutrition information
and skills, tools, and supplies you
need ... ????

Barter for special Apartment services ???

500 people could possibly agree to
work for a third party company
at the apartment
x number of hours per month
the company(s) would pay the
mortgage / rent
the companies chosen could be
special in that all would learn
while working to get special
related information they need
for there particular economic
health related challenge
so they get health related
education, tools, and supplies ...???

Barter for Transportation ???

it appears this idea could work
in a limousine ???
so it could work in a bus ???
work for a third party company
while being transported from
one point to another ???
choose the right company and
while you are working
you learn the nutrition information
and skills, tools, and supplies you
need ... ????

idea for Diabetics, etc. ???

more economic health care ideas ???

caution / warning


Econ AAEQ Tax information Work Shops








additional economic information ???


The Food Lobby Goes to School



President Obama



Tackling Childhood Obesity




Obesity/Weight Loss PDR ( physician desk reference )

"The availability or lack of food, as well as economic status,

are environmental factors that contribute to obesity"



Food Pyramid




Economic woes increase demand on food banks  


Economic woes increase demand on charities



Hunger, homelessness on the rise across America



Food banks seeing increase in demand for services



Tax break for deer hunters and processors ???



Check-Out Hunger donations up



A Million Pounds in Just Three Days




