a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
Econ AAFA I am asking the President of the United States these questions ... ???
the president of the United States 3/22/10
it is my understanding that new health care passed into law for all United States citizens
how do we deal with these problems ... ???
What happens if a person cannot afford health care because of a government required
health care payment,
Example: nutritional foods and tools a diabetic needs
What happens if the economy prevents a person from affording a job that will help that
person pay for government required health care ?
Who is going to help the customers afford that persons products and services so
that person can afford to pay for government required health care ?
What happens if a person needs money to discover a new treatment not yet discovered
or recognized by government required heath care
sent a Letter
to the United States President !!! 4/20/06