Help Improve the Economy

a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

my definition of how the economy works

any legal and appropriate form of trade in any way shape or form


I am attempting to find ways to algebraically economically make helping each other more efficiently, which would result in better jobs, more pay, more customers, better community services, better hospitals and doctors

and I will use anyone's ideas that sound like they will work for everyone

that includes -

- President Bushes ideas

- Governor Chris Gregoire’s ideas

- any ones ideas, including the normal everyday people who really are the ones who make the economy go and need the algebraic economic information ...






the united States of America

a wonderful place to live for many reasons

and some problems to improve


I believe I have found the root of the economy

no matter what country or what style

it is about People Helping each other, and or taking something from the ground ( earth ) and making some sort of value out of it


god teaches many ideas

an ant colony has an economy

a bee colony has an economy

and we use the bees economy to help our economy and many people help the bees


so many problems could be solved, but doesn't

simply because certain people didn’t think it was

important enough to algebraically learn

or teach about family economics


Improving the American Economy 

or any type of Economy 

is about helping people 

and helping people solve problems ...

and then it gets easier to let people help you ...


I have no way to guarantee if these ideas will work for you ...

... Many people do not have access to the internet or even how to use it ...


My Idea to improve the Economy, is to ask thousands of people


if you had one idea to improve the Economy, what would it be?


and get Americans talking about how to make it easier for 

Americans to help each other


Gene Bowdish, MaGenieMagic


why do I think this will work?

because it has been my experience, 

there is a lot of smart people who know how to solve problems

especially, when people work together on the idea

Probably the one of the best ideas would be to

Look for stores that offer you an opportunity

to earn money or products that you need

that day while you are there

either directly from the store

or from a third party


if I can, I will help ...

but I cannot guarantee it will work ...

Root of the economy

you take something from the ground and make something that someone else needs, 

that is a job or business ...


they pay you money for it ...

someone else takes something from the ground and make something that you need, that is a job or business ...


you pay them for it ...

you provide a service for someone else, 

that is a job or business

they pay you money for it ...


someone else provides a service for you

you pay them for it ...


Money you earn at your job or business is a loan, 

to pay someone else to do work for you ...

if you have something in your possession that someone else needs, then you will, in theory, have economic valuables

the dollar value will not be set, 

until it is traded by someone who agrees to trade with you

There is certain laws of economics that you have to follow 

( like laws of physics ) or the economy will start to fail

Unless you can find a patch 

( like finding a new or previously missed law in physics )

as long as people are willing to help each other, 

there should never be a problem we can't handle ...

( anything here that needs to be corrected, Please let me know )

 Letter to the President of the United StatesH8J


a combination of Letters to the President of the United States about how thousands  H8J

( maybe Millions or Billions ) of People have come up with 

ideas to Improve the Economy

All the President needs to do is Listen ...  H8J


2006 Economic and Workforce Development Conference

These are exciting times for the Washington economy.  

We are adding jobs faster than the rest of the nation

Washington State, Governor Chris Gregoire

WHEN September 6 - 7, 2006

( alrighty then, way cool, MaGenie Magic says, July 11, 2006 )  H8J H8J

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in attempting to improve our economy,

one of our biggest problems is, 

we are socially programmed to lose ...

by the most unexpecting people ...

so some people really think 

they are telling you the right thing to do ... 

that you may not catch unless you know your algebra ...



Washington State Gets Another Unexpected Revenue Boost
July 11, 2006
By Associated Press

OLYMPIA - Washington's sizzling economy is being closely watched 

for signs of cooling, but in the past month, 

robust tax collections have produced an unexpected 

windfall of nearly $85 million, officials said Tuesday.


Please give your donation to help MaGenie Magic improve the economy to Gene Bowdish, MaGenie Magic,

note: family economic improvement ideas that work for all of us are worth way more than money is, because it helps us earn our own money, than we then are able to choose to give to you money we have earned in trade for your products and services ...



Please give your donation to Gene Bowdish, MaGenie Magic so we can give families and children entertainment they otherwise could not afford

note: family economic improvement ideas that work for all of us are worth way more than money is, because it helps us earn our own money, than we then are able to choose to give to you money we have earned in trade for your products and services ...



Personal Note: anything I have ever owned and Kept 

I still use or used as a tool to Help someone else ...


Gene Bowdish


if you think it is not important to understand economics. someone in part or whole psychologically, intentionally or not, programmed you that way ...

economics has an impact on all things in life, in fact I can't think of anything economics algebraically does not impact ...

just ask me, I will tell you what I know about it this phenomenon

( Some links are not shown, you will need to ask me for them )


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