
 Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998

MaGenie Magic Co. Gene Bowdish Lacey, WA ( 360 ) 660 - 7085 Call / Text


ideas for you to save money and or someone you care about may save money ...

and or save your life or the life of someone you care about ....

Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor

so that you may understand how to use this idea(s)


1. idea that may help you if it fits the economic formula you are in ?

Find a thermometer that records high and low temperatures in your refrigerator

ask your doctor and pharmacist about medicines that you keep in the refrigerator

and if they are temperature dependent

( will it lose effectiveness to help you because of temperature storage requirements )


2. idea that may help you if it fits the economic formula you are in ?

Find a thermometer that records high and low temperatures in your refrigerator

ask your doctor and pharmacist about foods that you keep in the refrigerator

and if they are temperature dependent

( will it lose vitamin effectiveness to help you

and or become dangerous to your health or someone you care about

because of temperature storage requirements )


3. idea that may help you if it fits the economic formula you are in ?

Find a thermometer that records high and low temperatures in your carry bag, suitcase, cooler, etc ...

ask your doctor and pharmacist about medicines that you keep in the carry bag, suitcase, cooler, etc ...

and if they are temperature dependent

( will it lose effectiveness to help you because of temperature storage requirements )


4. Gene Bowdish is doing more studies and researching more ideas

The new science of Algebraic Economics as defined by Gene Bowdish ...

Limited by the Laws of Physics...

economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...  

Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor

( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )  

a percentage of these ideas are really old idea, some of the links are missing or broken ... ???


