a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...
Gene Bowdish / MaGenie Magic - Magician Services Licensed Established 1998
I have taught many students from different schools, on a field trip to see me ...
and many times, the parents came after hearing about me, to see me personally with there children
and were very nice families ...
a school for the first time asked me, about economic education in school,
for a student to earn a school lunch, school shirt, sports gear, etc. , nice ...
if it is agreed that it will be done, then ...
I have heard this debate many times
ideas that may work ... ???
any economic job done at school
should only be related to classes they are suppose to be learning
examples: typical scheduled classes in reading, writing, math, science, etc. ... ???
for the time period they are suppose to be learning it ...
the task must be safer than the subject matter that they were going to be doing anyway,
where the students, typically, work all day anyway, to learn reading, writing, math, science, etc. ... ???
the difference, would be a better education ... ???
the difference, would be getting a reward for every
reading, writing, math, science, etc. ... task accomplished ... ???
warning, if you use tax based economics only, it may take jobs away from
the community, the city, state, or united states ... ???
if you use root based economics, it will add jobs to the community ...
if you use the right balance of root based to tax based economics,
there will be no change to jobs in the community ... ???
so far, teachers who have talked about economics in school
all I have heard them come up with is something like janitorial work for the students
that sounds like pre, pre kindergarten level economics formula ideas ... ???
the kind of economics I am talking about, may take a university algebraic economics
doctors degree to accomplish teaching algebraic economics to students correctly ... ???
if I am the only one who understands the idea, then I am the only one qualified to teach it right now
however, with the skills I have seen out there,
once they understand, many people would probably become
much better at algebraic economics than I am ... ???
( I have asked more than 50,000 people since 2001,
if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?
on the down side, ironically, I am still poor, my biggest challenge is finding customers ...
so many people just have little or no money for entertainment ... ???!!!
( see all the stores and restaurants that used to be popular, and are now going out of business ... )
on the up side, there is a lot of smart people
out there with ideas to help improve the United States ...
when I was a kid, I became aware of the economy, but did not really understand it ...
I just knew it had something to do with saving lives ...
I noticed the problem in 1980, but I had no idea what the problem was, only a feeling
that something to the economy was missing ... it was hard for me to find a job ...
and when I got a job, it was even harder for me to afford a nice place to stay,
and healthy food and what not ...
I became more aware of the problem in 1990
but in 2000, there was many people I was asking about economics
and there appeared to be little or no answers I could easily understand ...
for many reasons, I started asking people about economics,
( I was thinking, if the economists knew what they were doing, why are we in this economic mess ... ??? )
I came to the conclusion, that the best question to ask is,
if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ?
about 90% of the people first time I asked, said something like, they didn't have an idea
but the next time, later, when I asked them again, they usually had an idea,
I figure because no body asked them before I did ... ever ... ???
so I started asking teachers what they taught there students about economics ... ???
teacher after teacher for the most part, said they didn't teach anything about economics ...
so I got some questions together from some people who had ideas about how economics could possibly
save lives, an economic idea to raise money to help cure cancer,
an economic idea to put in a street light to help reduce accidents, etc.
and I asked, why would you not think that is important for students to learn ... ???
this is the first time I got an answer from a teacher, that most people could use to learn ...
the teacher said, " we taught you how to read, write, and do math, if you want to learn economics
go to the library "
and I thought, what a good idea ... ???!!!
so I developed this ...