
The new science of Algebraic Economics as defined by Gene Bowdish ...

Limited by the Laws of Physics...

economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...


Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor

( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )  

a percentage of these ideas are really old idea,

some of the links are missing or broken ... ???

I try to find math formulas that help other people...

With my junk yard of ideas - Like US on FaceBook



this idea could possibly save you

and or your whole family from hospital medical bills, by, Gene Bowdish.

Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor

I made a new invention, display model, that just understanding it may help you have health benefits ...

has a place to protect a prescription / medicine / vitamin /

Supplement / or other small item from going into temperature danger zone ...

 limited by the Laws of Physics

( it needs an update / improvement(s) to do a better job for you ... ??? )


Study by, Gene Bowdish, update again, is it a refrigerator or air-conditioner ?

it has a thermostat that switches on or off within 1 degree °F deference

it has a thermostat that shows you

the current temperature in °F and the high °F and low °F of your item

it has a modified thermostat for an high alarm temperature in °F and a low temperature alarm in °F

I hope to get the money to improve this device / Study

Study by, Gene Bowdish, update again, is it a refrigerator or air-conditioner ?


health benefits of this idea ?

ask your doctor

ask your pharmacist


Study The new science of Algebraic Economics as defined by Gene Bowdish ... 

Limited by the Laws of Physics...

economic formulas of any type are Limited by the Laws of Physics...

Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor

( competent - Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully )


I was expecting the temperature requirements to be on the MSDS

( maybe if enough of us ask the manufacture(s) of this items they will put the information showing the

danger zone and the ideal temperature of these important items on the MSDS for customers ... ??? )

of the prescription / medicine / vitamin / Supplement / or other small item

from going into temperature danger zone ...

it has been a challenge for me to find a database that shows this for most or all

prescription / medicine / vitamin /

Supplement / or other small item from going into temperature danger zone ...

I am missing something because the pharmacists and doctors

I talked to get this information from somewhere and tell me what the ideal temperature of

prescription / medicine / vitamin /

Supplement / or other small item from going into temperature danger zone ...



I made a new invention, display model, that just understanding it may help save your life ...


Study by, Gene Bowdish, my invention that could save your life, by Gene Bowdish




Gene Bowdish my invention that may save your life just understanding it

Safety first, you will need to verify all data with a competent doctor


study by Gene Bowdish 8/23/19


I am doing a study for a doctor

( I put this refrigerator graph together really fast at a doctor's office

it shows the challenges I had keeping this refrigerator in the safe zone for typical food safety )

in this instance we were talking about a specific prescription,

after getting it from the pharmacy, and after it was opened

the temperature was

to be kept at between 33 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit

( pharmacists recommendation from the manufacture of the medicine )

for a typical customer,

assuming they asked there doctor(s) / pharmacist(s)

 what the temperature of there prescription was supposed to be

in this case ... because the temperature of your prescription may be different ... ???

getting it home under 75 °F is a challenge when the temperature outside is 90 °F

and you don't have air-conditioning in your car ...


How many people know what the temperature of there prescription, vitamin,

over the counter prescription, supplements, etc. are supposed to be ?

( I talked to a doctor at the Capitol LakeFair, who grouped them all together saying

when each item gets out of it's safe temperature zone, they become less effective, all of them ... )


I need to invent a better system, but, where will I get the money from to do the testing

I need supplies and tools and data and

testing with people who could potentially need a different system based on there individual needs

the more people it will work for, the better chance it will work for you ...

basically that is what Untied Laboratories does, but if the item, tool, gadget, doesn't exist in

3 stores nearby, you are allowed to make your own following certain guidelines,

at least that was the way it was explained to me when I worked at a factory as an

electrician / electronics technician in research and development called a 508 shop ...

and a controlled environment to do it at ... ???

the graph shows that the medicine would become ineffective when it reached freezing temperature

does it become ineffective immediately or is there a time chart ...

many people in my study said they keep there refrigerator temperature cold,

and sometimes there drinks freeze to prevent food borne illness ...